Anonymous ID: f2d265 April 28, 2020, 12:51 p.m. No.8949546   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Pelosi, who is the lead author of the $1 trillion “CARES Act 2,”

Her handlers/puppet masters are authoring this steaming turd.

Pelosi can barely function.

Anonymous ID: f2d265 April 28, 2020, 1:31 p.m. No.8949955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0030

Allegory of the Road

A flesh and blood American, one of We, the People, is traveling down the road with all of his unalienable rights endowed by the Creator in his back pocket and encounters three men along the way.

The first, says "hello traveler. Are you interested in magic beans that can provide untold wonders and wealth? I will sell them to you and all it will cost is for you to give up your rights."

The American scoffs saying "I will never surrender my God-given rights!"

After a few miles he encounters a second man. "Hi American traveler. I have some amazing swampland in Florida I'd be happy to sell you. It won't cost you anything except giving up your rights."

Again, the American scoffs, "Fuck you, con man. I will never surrender my Constitutional rights!"

A ways further down the road he happens upon a third man in a white coat. "Hi there United States citizen, have you heard that there's an invisible enemy out to kill you at any moment? I will stop it from killing you for the low price of you giving up your unalienable rights."

Our intrepid traveler thinks for a minute and responds "Deal!"

The man in the white coat hands him a mask and tells him to wear it all the time.

As the traveler strides off happily wearing his new mask assured he's fully protected from the scourge of the invisible enemy, the man in the white coat yells "All sales are final!"