Anonymous ID: 6c2ec7 April 28, 2020, 2:03 p.m. No.8950269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0327 >>0341 >>0433

Clown fuckery or something else???


US Intel Officials Believe 45,500 Corpses Were Incinerated In One Fortnight In Wuhan


US intelligence officials believe that the true scale of China’s coronavirus outbreak is at least FIFTY times worse than the communist state is admitting to, and that 60,000 dead bodies per month could have been processed by the funeral homes in Wuhan.


Speaking with Fox News, a Trump administration official said that “PRC numbers as reported today seem to be arithmetically impossible.”


“Again, we don’t know the real numbers today, but we do know the about 80,000 infections and 4,000 deaths as reported by the Chinese Communist Party propaganda are not even remotely close,” the official added.


It is believed that US intelligence has in its possession satellite images showing funeral homes in Wuhan overwhelmed by dead bodies. Officials believe that incinerators have been in constant use for 24 hours a day since the outbreak began.


The intelligence sources have noted that in a two week period between March 23 and April 4, over 500 urns were delivered to Wuhan families every day, which equates roughly to one urn per minute.


US intelligence therefore calculates a conservative estimate of 45,500 corpses having been incinerated during this time.


The figure jives with estimates highlighted by The Washington Post earlier this month.


Intelligence officials have known for some time that China is lying about the true extent of cases and deaths inside its borders, calling CCP figures “fake”.


The UK government has removed China’s numbers from its coronavirus spread comparison list, because it is certain they have no relation to the truth.


A recent estimation of the true death toll, released by The American Enterprise Institute suggested that China must have had at least 2.9 million cases outside the Hubei province and that the total number of deaths is likely well over 100,000.


The study also noted that China is capable of hiding millions of deaths because of it’s size and population.


“Chinese respiratory illnesses of all kinds could easily exceed 100 million, hiding 2.9 million COVID-19 cases,” the report noted, concluding that:


“In a typical three-month period in ex-Hubei China before COVID-19, nearly 2.5 million people died. Even that many deaths would be easily obscured.”


Read the full report below:

Anonymous ID: 6c2ec7 April 28, 2020, 2:05 p.m. No.8950297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0520 >>0851 >>0928

‘Why Are They Under Seal?’ Tara Reade Calls For Release Of Biden’s Senate Records


She’s not going away.


While the mainstream media has barely covered Tara Reade’s allegations that then-Sen. Biden sexually assaulted her when she worked for him as a 29-year-old staffer — and top TV talking heads like CNN’s Anderson Cooper refuse to ask the presumptive presidential nominee about the claims — Reade is upping her game.


Reade is calling on Biden to release the records from his 36 years as a senator, which are currently inaccessible to the public and are kept at the University of Delaware, Fox News reports.


“I’m calling for the release of the documents being held by the University of Delaware that contain Biden’s staff personnel records because I believe it will have my complaint form, as well as my separation letter and other documents,” Reade told Fox News on Tuesday. “Maybe if other staffers that have tried to file complaints would come to light — why are they under seal? And why won’t they be released to the public?”


Fox News on Tuesday asked the University of Delaware for access to the Biden records. The university refused, saying that the papers will not be released until two years after Biden retires.


“The collection of former Vice President Biden’s senatorial papers is still being processed, with many items yet to be cataloged,” an email from a school spokeswoman said. “The entire collection will remain closed to the public until two years after Mr. Biden retires from public life.”


Reade said during a podcast in March that Biden pinned her against a wall and penetrated her with his fingers without her consent in his Senate office in 1993. She was 29 at the time, Biden was 51.


“He greeted me, he remembered my name, and then we were alone. It was the strangest thing,” Reade said. “There was no like, exchange really. He just had me up against the wall.


“It happened all at once,” she said. “His hands were on me and underneath my clothes, and he went down my skirt and then up inside it and he penetrated me with his fingers and he was kissing me at the same time and he was saying something to me.


“I remember him saying first, like, as he was doing it, ‘Do you wanna go somewhere else?’ And then him saying to me when I pulled away, he got finished doing what he was doing and I kind of pulled back and he said, ‘Come on, man. I heard you liked me.’ “


More evidence that Reade had told people about the alleged incident shortly after it happened emerged last week when a video clip from 1993 surfaced that allegedly shows Reade’s mother calling into CNN to ask what her daughter should do after having problems with a “prominent senator.”

Anonymous ID: 6c2ec7 April 28, 2020, 2:06 p.m. No.8950318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0516

Schumer Demands Oversight Hearings for Trump’s ‘Abject Failure’ Implementing Coronavirus Relief


Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on Tuesday called for oversight hearings as early as next week over what he said is President Trump’s “abject failure” at properly implementing coronavirus relief measures.


“This administration has been an abject failure at implementing most of these laws,” Schumer said, outlining his first order of business during a Tuesday appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.


Schumer formally made his demand in a statement on Monday, calling on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Senate Republicans to “immediately begin vigorous and desperately needed oversight of the Trump administration’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its implementation of the CARES Act”:


There must be public Senate hearings, at a minimum, to examine why the United States still does not have adequate testing and why some lenders in the SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program have prioritized the applications of their larger and wealthier clients to the detriment of smaller businesses that have oftentimes suffered greater hardship.


Schumer told Morning Joe that lawmakers should “haul in Dr. Birx, Dr. Fauci, Azar, and say ‘Why isn’t testing working?’”


He is also calling on Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Small Business Administration Administrator Jovita Carranza to testify, particularly regarding Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans going to big businesses.


“All too often it seems the president’s ego is at stake,” Schumer said.


While the House will not reconvene next week, the Senate is scheduled to return May 4. McConnell said they will start confirming judges “as soon as we get back in session.”


“We need to have hearings, and we need to confirm judges. … The pandemic will not prevent us from achieving that goal,” McConnell said, drawing ire from Schumer:


Meanwhile, Democrats are angling to use the next coronavirus relief measure to pursue their long-time agenda to implement universal vote by mail. Schumer, at the same time, has stated his intention of pushing a provision, the “No PR Act,” to prevent President Trump’s signature from appearing on stimulus checks.


“The No PR Act puts an end to the president’s exploitation of taxpayer money for promotional material that only benefits his re-election campaign,” Schumer said.


“Delaying the release of stimulus checks so his signature could be added is a waste of time and money,” he continued, touting the debunked narrative of delays attributed to the addition of the president’s signature.

Anonymous ID: 6c2ec7 April 28, 2020, 2:10 p.m. No.8950351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0617

Google Jumps After Beating On Revenue, Despite Warning Of "Significant Slowdown" In March Ad Revenue


After a worse than expected earnings season so far (so far US EPS of -24% yoy has come in some 9% lower than consensus expectations among companies reporting so far), traders were especially curious to see what Google earnings would look like today for two reasons: Google, as Goldman cautioned over the weekend, was one of the big five tech names that had been spared much of the pain that hit the rest of the S&P500, opening up a giant and unsustainable gap from the rest of the market with the largest 5 "FAAMG" stocks in the S&P500 now accounting for 22% of market cap, even higher than during the dot com bubble…


… while at the same time anecdotal industry updates suggested that online ad revenues - the lifeblood of Google - had collapsed, something that GOOGL stock clearly failed to reflect. Which is why today's Google Q1 earnings could be so critical: if indeed as bad as some had suggested, a Google crash would hammer the group that was clearly the market's leadership. Concern about Google's earnings also explains why megacap tech names were hammered earlier today after outperforming for much of the past month, with the Nasdaq suffering an outsized drop compared to small caps. And, needless to say, the health of Google’s ad business will be a bellwether for other tech platforms. Facebook and Twitter report later this week.


With that in mind, Google may have dodged another bullet with its latest quarterly earnings report:


Q1 Net Revenue (ex TAC) of $33.71BN, beating estimates of $32.6BN

Q1 EPS $9.87, missing estimates of $10.35, but higher than the GAAP EPS of $9.50 a year ago (but below the $11.90 non-GAAP EPS).

Q1 Operating Income of $7.98BN, missing the estimate %8.06BN, and up 19% Y/Y

Anonymous ID: 6c2ec7 April 28, 2020, 2:11 p.m. No.8950366   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nolte: Tara Reade’s One More Victim of Media that’s Protected Democrats for Decades


Tara Reade has absolutely no chance of earning any attention or sympathy from the corporate media over her increasingly-credible sexual assault allegation against Joe Biden.


She has no chance whatsoever, and it’s useless and pointless and a waste of energy for any of us to complain about this injustice. It is what it is. Sorry.


It’s not just that the establishment media are hopelessly corrupt and driven by the poison of extreme partisanship. There is also the fact the media have decades of experience in covering up sexual misconduct allegations against Democrats — while at the same time blowing up every allegation against Republicans, even those coming from a ridiculous liar like Christine Blasey Ford.


At the risk of sounding like the condescending old guy in room chuckling at the yewts as he explains how the world works, here’s how the world works, yewts…


In 1991, when Anita Hill launched her ludicrous allegations against then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas, the media assured us we had entered a whole new era of American life, an enlightened era where it was no longer okay for powerful men to engage in sexual misconduct — and that era lasted right up until the new rules threatened to hurt a Democrat.


That Democrat was Bill Clinton, who entered the 1992 presidential race with a long and sleazy history of extramarital affairs, abusing his power as governor to procure women, and sexually harassing subordinates like Paula Jones.


Over and over and over again, those of us of a certain age remember the media protecting a sexual predator by attacking his victims: smearing Paula Jones as trailer trash, demeaning Kathleen Willey as a gold digging widow, pretending Juanita Broaddrick didn’t exist, and joining the White House operation to taint Monica Lewinsky as an unstable stalker.


This what the media do.


This is who the media are.


Evil’s gunna evil.


Tara Reade isn’t going to change that.


Good grief, we’re talking about a media so corrupt that after they had nailed down the bombshell about Clinton’s sleazy and exploitative Oval Office affair with a subordinate, with a much younger intern named Monica Lewinsky, they refused to run it. They sat on it. They weren’t going to tell us about it.


Yes, the very same media you just saw lose its mind over Trump’s alleged one-night stand with a porn star a full decade before he took office, is the same media that refused to break the story of the decade because it would damage Clinton — a Democrat. The only reason we learned what everyone in the media knew is because of Matt Drudge and his access to the Internet.


You think a media that corrupt gives a shit about Tara Reade?

Anonymous ID: 6c2ec7 April 28, 2020, 2:14 p.m. No.8950393   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0446

The US is now just a more dignified form of USSR-style central planning, one where asset prices are set by decree and a decline in asset levels is prohibited as any crash in markets would result in a depression that would promptly spiral into a social collapse.


Eventually, a populist revolt to address the current massive inequality of income and wealth, will happen. Soon pressure will mount on policymakers to bolster the social safety net and increase things like healthcare and job security and maybe even institute a guaranteed living wage. My only concern is that it will be done in a way that is not productive for long-term growth. These programs will create incentives that will reduce overall productivity, Instead, policymakers should address fundamental reforms in the economy to restore growth and reduce inequality.

Anonymous ID: 6c2ec7 April 28, 2020, 2:16 p.m. No.8950409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0441 >>0520 >>0851 >>0928

At the time, Steele was working on behalf of a sanctioned Russian oligarch, which means the DNC and the Clinton campaign were literally colluding


At the time, Steele was working on behalf of a sanctioned Russian oligarch, which means the DNC and the Clinton campaign were literally colluding with a Russian agent.

Anonymous ID: 6c2ec7 April 28, 2020, 2:23 p.m. No.8950471   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0520 >>0851 >>0928

Drug Overdose, Head Trauma Deaths Added To Coronavirus Death Toll


A 37-year-old California man who died of a drug overdose has been added to the novel coronavirus death toll.


Though the death of the unidentified man was caused by a drug overdose, he also tested positive for the novel coronavirus, which was coded as a “significant continuing condition,” according to Ventura County spokeswoman Ashley Bautista, VA Star reported Thursday.

“Ventura County’s coronavirus death toll increased to 16 on Thursday as county officials reported two additional deaths, including a 37-year-old man,” the report said.


“The man died as a result of a drug overdose while infected with COVID-19, a significant contributing condition, according to county spokeswoman Ashley Bautista. He is the youngest victim to die from the virus yet in the county,” VA Star added.


Last month, a 61-year-old Pennsylvania man who died from a head injury and tested positive for COVID-19 was added to the coronavirus death toll, too.


“Lehigh County Coroner Eric Minnich confirmed the patient died Friday night at St. Luke’s University Hospital in Fountain Hill,” Lehigh Valley Live reported. “He said the primary cause of the man’s death was a head injury from a fall at home, but that the virus was listed as a contributing factor to his death.”


Earlier this month, leading voice on the White House Coronavirus Task Force Dr. Deborah Birx explained that COVID-19 deaths in the United States have “very liberal” recording guidance, noting that anyone who tests positive for the virus and dies would be included in their numbers of coronavirus deaths.


“I think in this country, we are taking a very liberal approach to mortality. And I think the reporting here has been pretty straightforward over the last five to six weeks,” she said, adding, “If someone dies with COVID-19, we are counting that.”


“There are other countries, that if you have a pre-existing condition, and let’s say the virus called you to go to the ICU (intensive care unit) and then have a heart or kidney problem,” she added. “Some countries are recording that as a kidney issue, or a heart issue, and not a COVID-19 death.” In the U.S., Dr. Birx suggested, “we’re still recording it” as a COVID-19 death.


Pennsylvania has had to remove hundreds of coronavirus deaths from its official death count, following questions of accuracy and highlighted discrepancies by area coroners.

Anonymous ID: 6c2ec7 April 28, 2020, 2:31 p.m. No.8950557   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0851 >>0928

UM independence day in Israel???? WTF??


Gantz at Independence Day ceremony: Israel must prepare for tough times


"We will win war" against coronavirus, Knesset speaker says


Knesset Speaker Benny Gantz compared the fight against the coronavirus to Israel's wars in his keynote speech at Tuesday night's Independence Day Torch Lighting Ceremony on Jerusalem's Mount Herzl.


"These are difficult times and we must brace ourselves for the times ahead that promise to be no less difficult," Gantz said. "For seven decades, we faced tangible enemies who sought to destroy us, and in doing so, helped define our shared ethos - an ethos of existential struggle. The IDF and our security forces are prepared now, as always, to take on those threats, and, for that, I salute them."

Gantz explained how there are ways in which COVID-19 is even worse than war.


"Now we face an unfamiliar foe, which doesn’t tell us apart –Jews, Arabs, Druze, and Circassian, Ultra-Orthodox, religious, and secular, people on the Right and the Left," he said. "It poses an enormous human and medical challenge, and in the process shares a valuable lesson about social responsibility: namely, that we are all our brothers' keepers. It is our solidarity and commonality of purpose that guarantee us victory. It is our communal spirit and sense of mutual responsibility that help us touch eternity."


Gantz said that in the struggle against this foe, medical personnel, soldiers, policemen, emergency response teams, and the civil sector are all fighting shoulder to shoulder. He said they are Israel's front line in that battle and that Israel all pray for their success, from their balconies and from the bottom of their hearts.

"We will win this war, and we will use the lessons we have gleaned from it to help us build a new ethos, and weave a new narrative of social solidarity and mutual responsibility – one that is defined from within, rather than by external enemies," he said.

Gantz then called for "ensuring unity, while safeguarding democracy and protecting everybody’s rights."


He then lit the first honorary torch of the ceremony, representing the Knesset.

Anonymous ID: 6c2ec7 April 28, 2020, 2:49 p.m. No.8950729   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0751 >>0772 >>0776 >>0851 >>0898 >>0928

Hillary Clinton: Coronavirus ‘Would Be a Terrible Crisis to Waste’; Need ‘Universal Health Care’


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that the coronavirus pandemic “would be a terrible crisis to waste” by not creating “universal health care.”


Clinton, the Democratic Party nominee in the 2016 presidential election, was speaking to former Vice President Joe Biden in a virtual women’s “town hall” meeting, during which she endorsed him for president.


Biden nodded in agreement as Clinton spoke about exploiting the coronavirus pandemic to bring about the left’s dream of “universal health care”:


This is a high-stakes time, because of the pandemic. But this is also a really high-stakes election. And every form of health care should continue to be available, including reproductive health care for every woman in this country. And then it needs to be part of a much larger system that eventually — and quickly, I hope — gets us to universal health care. [Biden nods] So I can only say, “Amen,” to everything you’re saying, but also to, again, enlist people that this would be a terrible crisis to waste, as the old saying goes. [Biden nods] We’ve learned a lot about what our absolute frailties are in our country when it comes to health justice and economic justice.


The “old saying” to which Clinton referred may have been the statement of President Barack Obama’s incoming chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel in December 2008, who told the Wall Street Journal: “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.”


Emanuel specifically noted that health care was one policy area that the Obama administration hoped to use the opportunity of the financial crisis — then in full swing — to address. Just over a year later, President Obama signed Obamacare into law.


Republicans criticized the program for, among other things, serving as a “Trojan horse” for universal, government-run health care. In the 2020 Democratic Party presidential primary, Biden theoretically rejected the more ambitious “Medicare for All” policy adopted by many of his rivals, but embraced a policy allowing all individuals under 65 to buy into Medicare. He has since offered to expand to those 60 years old or older, in a bit to appease supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).


Democrats have repeatedly suggested using the coronavirus crisis to advance specific ideological ends. House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC), a key Biden supporter, reportedly told fellow House Democrats during a conference call on the first coronavirus relief bill in March: ““This is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.”


Nearly 60,000 Americans have died from coronavirus thus far, and there have been over one million confirmed cases.


Clinton did not explain how “universal health care” would have helped; countries like Italy, with a fully socialized health care system, were among the hardest hit by the pandemic, which began in late December in communist China.