Anonymous ID: 73a7e4 April 28, 2020, 2:42 p.m. No.8950661   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ReOpenNC Organizer's Arrest Should Inspire Others to Stand Up For Rights, Husband says


Adam Smith was proud Tuesday of his wife's arrest during the ReOpenNC rally in downtown Raleigh. Ashley Smith is one of the organizers of the movement, which is demanding that Gov. Roy Cooper lift his stay-at-home order, arguing that economic damage from the shutdown is worse than the danger to health from the coronavirus.


Smith, told WRAL News that his wife intentionally ignored the orders of police not to step on the sidewalk, saying she wanted to demonstrate civil disobedience.


She turned to me and said, 'Hey we’re going to show what civil disobedience is all about' Adam Smith said. "I think it's the best thing that's ever happened to this movement. This could be that step like that shot heard round the world. This is going to be the step that’s heard around North Carolina. I hope that it inspires people to step up and take that step into the unknown and be willing to stand up for your rights.”


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