Anonymous ID: 839f84 April 28, 2020, 5:30 p.m. No.8953279   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Not sure if this ever made a bread but…

Soros phone numbers (old)


Date: 2008-12-01 19:49

Subject: George Soros


917 902 4102 cell


212 722 1177 home M-Friday


914 234-9712 home/weekend

Anonymous ID: 839f84 April 28, 2020, 5:49 p.m. No.8953575   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Soros secure comm

>>8952567 PB

>>8952700 PB

>>8952754 PB


Soros seems to think China telcom is unsecure among other things if you read this


>>8952908 PB

George Soros warning: China’s ZTE and Huawei can’t be allowed to dominate 5G

Anonymous ID: 839f84 April 28, 2020, 6:07 p.m. No.8953926   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3961


The Star Wars: Commander development team following its latest hackathon.


You might think that getting hacked is always a bad thing, but that’s not how the people who make games view it. And Disney Interactive’s Star Wars: Commander team are inviting everyone on the team to hack their game to make it more fun.