Anonymous ID: f22e81 April 28, 2020, 5:35 p.m. No.8953363   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3373 >>3443 >>3700 >>3713 >>3738 >>3776 >>3900 >>3948

>>8952286 lb


Q, I want to put this out on the board as in the silent war. On my twat, I retweeted Potus for the fly over with the Blue Angel's and the Thunderbirds. I noticed they are spraying a lot of chem trails that the deepstate sprayed on us with the exception is, I truly believe the whithats are spraying Hydroxychloroquine in the air over NYC and Philadelphia. I see LA and other sanctuary Dems ran cities are next. Are we cleansing the air that the people are breathing? So, these Dem Governors and Mayors are clueless! LMAO I love it!. Awesome.