Anonymous ID: f9d282 April 28, 2020, 5:38 p.m. No.8953417   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>How does China comm [secure] w/ DNC leaders?

>How does Soros comm [secure] w/ DNC leaders?


Quantum Experiments at Space Scale, is a Chinese research project in the field of quantum physics. Tiangong-2 is China's second Space Laboratory module which was launched on 15 Sep 2016. Tiangong-2 carries a total of 14 mission and experiment packages, including Space-Earth quantum key distribution and laser communications experiment to facilitate space-to-ground quantum communication.

Anonymous ID: f9d282 April 28, 2020, 6:03 p.m. No.8953846   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3874 >>3876 >>3938

>>8951235 pb

>>8950856 pb

Searched Wikileaks forDELCAS'


6 hits. None pertain to the company named DELCAS in Brownsville, TX. This search avenue struck out.


(Note: Must click Raw Content tab to locate the search hit DELCAS.)



Reject because DELCAS is a misspelling of DECLAS. Context: "E.O. 11652: DELCAS 5-7-75"



Reject. Again DELCAS is a misspelling of DECLAS. "E.O. 11652: ADS, DELCAS 2/14/75"



Misspelled DECLAS in "E.O. 11652 ADS DELCAS 31 DEC. 1975"



Misspelled. "Executive Order: GS, DELCAS 12-31-79"



Misspelled. "E.O. 11652: ADS, DELCAS 10-1-73"



DELCAS appears to be part of a person's surname in Brazilian Portuguese. Here's the paragraph:


Por A-oltimo, el presidente ecuatoriano admite que su gobierno no ha

recibido la respuesta que esperaba de parte de los paAses desarrollados

para renunciar a la explotaciA^3n de petrA^3leo en el parque YasunA y

advierte que en diciembre de 2011 Ecuador decidirA! si empieza a extraer

el crudo de esa reserva natural. Estos son extractos de la entrevista

realizada por FrA(c)dA(c)rique Misslin de RFI, Marie Delcas de Le Monde y

Xavier Lambrecht de TV5.

Anonymous ID: f9d282 April 28, 2020, 6:05 p.m. No.8953876   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>in Brazilian Portuguese

Nah, the diplomatic cable is about Brazil, but the text is Spanish. Doesn't make any difference to muh analysis. Marie Delcas of [French MSM] Le Monde.