It’s important to pay close attention to the context of Jesus’ statement about this “unpardonable sin.” He was speaking specifically about the grumblings of the scribes and Pharisees. After witnessing the power of Christ displayed in the healing of a demon-possessed man, these religious leaders made comments like, “He has Beelzebub,” or “By the ruler of the demons He casts out demons” (see Matthew 12:22-24; Mark 3:22).
In effect, the scribes and Pharisees were rejecting the grace of God revealed in Jesus Christ. They were rejecting it by attributing Jesus’ works to the power of the devil. They weren’t just doubting or even denying the truth. They were maliciously contradicting what they had witnessed with their own eyes. For selfish reasons of their own, they were pretending not to understand something they really did understand. The writer to the Hebrews might have been thinking of them when he spoke about those who have “trampled the Son of God underfoot … and insulted the Spirit of grace” (Hebrews 10:29). Their proud and high-minded attitude was exactly the opposite of yours.
The sin of “blaspheming the Holy Spirit,” then, is essentially the sin of rejecting Christ.
What’s more, the “unpardonable” nature of this sin has less to do with punishment than it does with the hardening effect of the sin itself. By persistently rejecting God’s free gift of salvation in Jesus, the sinner sears his conscience and stiffens his neck. Eventually he gets to the place where genuine repentance is no longer possible. It would be fair to say that this stubborn and unrepentant attitude is the chief mark of true “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.” That’s why we feel certain that people like you cannot possibly be guilty of this offense. If you’re afraid that you may have offended God without realizing it, it’s obvious that your heart is in the right place.
James Q. Holden10/06/2019
Alright so, imagine that you were never fortunate enough to get an education and you lived your whole life in sin, up to the point in time when you thought it would be a good idea to kill yourself because that is just how stupid you were. Right? Then by some type of miracle, you just so happened to live and not die by killing your self. So you saw it as a miracle and the only person you can equate a miracle to is Jesus. So then you go get baptized and accept Jesus into your heart, only your whole life you knew nothing more than how to lie cheat and steal, because you don't know any other way to earn money. You're a hustler and all you know to do is swindle people. Well, you got saved so now you think that anything you do will be covered by Jesus, which it is but then you decide that's not enough. And you start to make demands to God that you think He is obligated to oblige you with some form of compensation for accepting Jesus.