Pay attention, all of you.
>>8954546 all lb
Things like this don't happen here often for good reason.
Take note.
While I'm not that anon, you're seeing the tree and not the forest.
You'll notice, this anon's explanation pretty much agrees with you.
Besides, arguing over whether not there's consensus about consensus seems a bit too redundant for us.
What - Divine Inspiration/Tether
Who - (You)
Where - In (You)
Indeed, this is a simulation, just not quite like most imagine a digitally inspired simulation to be. This is much more intricate.
It's more like it's your simulation and you're in the front row.
Stop being a faggot.
Anon's not wrong, just stupid.
Mainly so that you remember why you're here.
NOT probably.
Much more "fiction" (especially of the "science" variety) is accurate than most of you likely have a grasp for.
For all of the times I've enjoyed what you wrote, despite your annoying posting patterns (which seriously should not bother me so much…), you've been seriously far off the mark just about equally as much.
What in the hell is your deal? You're one of the few "personalities" here that I just cannot figure out.
I've thought you were a bot before (and you're likely just an AI), but it's times like this that make me think you're actually just that stupid.
>Who is the "us"
Me and you and the rest of the anons… Do we really need to do this Inception shit?
Also, quit sperging over someone using mere literary tools, bud. Go grab a beer or something. You're way too tense.
Not in that sense.
They will never be the same, or aren't savable and anhero. There's a chance they'll become hermits, but I'm still leaning more toward a catatonic state.
welcome to gamergate 2.0, anon.
It's literally both at the same time, retards
holy hell so many things like this make so much more sense.
we've all known for some time now that there's actually much fewer genuine people on these online games than we're lead to believe, but now we have at least a sizable explanation for this assertion…
this just got a whole lot more interesting.
Yeah, this was the reason for my post, anon - to signal to unknowing anons from those threads that all of those people are faggots and always have been…
You're suppose to learn about these things, not let them control you by being so afraid of them.
Understand them - don't cast them out and think them only capable of Evil.
What you call demons used to be understood as something else entirely in antiquity.
You must learn the old stories, anon. This is imperative.