Seriously? You that closed minded after all that you have learned in the last few months alone? Reread Q posts again. I have no idea if there are 'lizard men' but I am not going to rule it out. There is something the cabal worship and I swear there is something in Antarctica. I would start opening your mind more before the shock of whatever we are going to learn kills you.
I am serious on what I posted about letting kids play in the dirt, get hands dirty and get some dirt in their mouths. Did you forget the day after Q posted we should dig into Pharma all of a sudden these 'cures' started coming out. The pill that would take one day to cure the flu to be out this winter and then the dirt article.
Chemicals not only can give us cancer but it kills the good germs we need to fight other problems thus let the kids play in the dirt.
Calm down a bit and read the WHOLE line and understand. Stay safe Anon
Elderberry syrup is better but I am not talking about Tamiflu. That just takes days off if you have the flu. Japan said they just found a 'cure' for the flu that gets rid of it in one day with one pill. Suppose to be out at the end of the year.
I know which is why I posted the link to the article that just came out. We boomers knew this all along but the young ones think it's something newly found out. Sad really.
We boomers who made mud pies as kids are more healthy then the millennial at the moment. That is not right at all.
That works too but not as good. Middle east use elderberry a lot and they get ebola.