Anonymous ID: 2f42f7 April 29, 2020, 1:18 a.m. No.8959362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9369 >>9511 >>9547 >>9813 >>9971 >>0044

Donald Trump and the Death Cult are putting people in

danger to own the libs

By Jeffrey C. Billman @jeffreybillman

April 29, 2020


"At 6:41 a.m. on Tuesday, an ornery Donald Trump hopped on Twitter to hate on MSNBC's Morning Joe and beat his chest about how much Republicans love him and how that proved how well he was handling the coronavirus pandemic, how he got better ratings than Monday Night Football and The Bachelor, and, most of all, how mean journalists are to him.


"It is amazing that I became President of the United States with such a totally corrupt and dishonest Lamestream Media going after me all day, and all night," he whined, as if 50,000 Americans hadn't died in six weeks.


I will grant him this: It does, in fact, amaze me that Donald Trump became president, even three and a half years after it happened. It amazes me that someone so small holds the same title as Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Barack Obama — hell, as Benjamin Harrison and Herbert Hoover and Richard Nixon.


It amazes me that a man who will soon rack up a body count that exceeds the whole of the Vietnam War and an unemployment rate that tops the Great Depression has the gall to boast about his news conference ratings. (For that matter, it amazes me that thumb-sucking news executives broadcast these self-serving shitshows.)


It amazes me that an imbecile who managed to bankrupt casinos will, despite evidence of his own failures, demand that governors reopen their states even if doing so endangers their citizens; if they refuse, he'll sic his lackey attorney general on them.


And it amazes me that, nearly 1,200 days into this cesspool of corruption — did you know the Trump Organization's looking for bailouts from the Trump administration? — Democrats are still so risibly feckless.


An example: Last week, the Senate passed a $484 billion package that funnels $310 billion into the exhausted Paycheck Protection Program. It also provides billions for hospitals and a federal plan for COVID-19 testing — things that, astoundingly, Democrats won as concessions.


What's not in the bill? Money to help states and cities whose budgets have been wrecked by the economic slowdown. Unlike the feds, state and local governments generally can't run deficits, so without federal help, they'll face huge tax hikes and/or sweeping service cuts that invariably harm the poor — things that turn bad economic situations into human misery.


Democrats wanted $150 billion in aid. Republicans blocked it. Democrats, who control the House of Representatives and could have forced the issue, rolled over like cowering puppies when Republicans pinky-swore that they'd take up local aid in the next relief package.


Then, as soon as the Senate passed the bill, Mitch McConnell got that old-time fiscal responsibility religion. Maybe we can't afford more relief packages, he said. Womp, womp."


moar hit piece:

never go full death cult scro can pepe say projection?

Anonymous ID: 2f42f7 April 29, 2020, 3:51 a.m. No.8959894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9979


read, learn, understand as the memes apply to Flynn and now we know even to Mueller.


as far as the other world leaders, these are the pieces, the hands that they were dealt and they generally do the best for their country as they can lest they are comp'ed.


Do not rush to judgement yet keep digging, keep asking questions and stay humble or that shit will bite you

pepe got scars for days kek!

Anonymous ID: 2f42f7 April 29, 2020, 4:06 a.m. No.8959965   🗄️.is 🔗kun


even when its not reality, shit still works!

Potus looked right at me and said "you are the super elite!" and I was all like "Me!? nuh uh!? really!? I am! I am the super elite!" never been the same since kek