Anonymous ID: d9281b April 29, 2020, 2:47 a.m. No.8959701   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tucker rips YouTube for pulling 'problematic' coronavirus

video: 'Censorship never is about science'

By Yael Halon | Fox News

Published 5 hours ago

Last Update 3 hours ago


Tucker: Big Tech censors dissent over coronavirus lockdowns

technology companies are using the COVID-19 tragedy to

increase their power over the American population.


"Tucker Carlson opened Tuesday's edition of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" by railing against the "ludicrous" measures taken by leading technology companies who claim to be combating "misinformation" about the coronavirus pandemic.


"We are not entirely sure what the perfect response to this pandemic is … there is no objective answer at the moment," Carlson said. "At best, we can plod along with open minds in good faith. More informed debate is exactly what we need to make wise decisions going forward. Unfortunately for all of us, informed debate is exactly what the authorities don't want. They want unquestioned obedience so they are cracking down on free expression."


Carlson's remarks came after YouTube removed a highly circulated video featuring Dr. Daniel Erickson of Bakersfield, Calif. In the video, Erickson alleged that doctors were encouraged to link deaths to COVID-19 to amplify concerns about the pandemic."



Anonymous ID: d9281b April 29, 2020, 2:49 a.m. No.8959707   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Iran Breaks Through US-Led Blockade To Deliver Record

Amount Of Oil To Syria

by Tyler Durden

Wed, 04/29/2020 - 05:30



"Iran has managed to break through the long-term US blockade to deliver a large amount of oil to the Syrian Arab Republic, a tanker tracking website has revealed.


According to the website Tanker Trackers, Iran has significantly increased their oil exports to Syria, with several cargoes reportedly reaching the Port of Baniyas in the Tartous Governorate.


The website reported that Iran is currently delivering more than three times the normal amount they export to Syria, which is a significant increase to the Arab Republic, who relied heavily on the Islamic Republic’s oil last year.


US government-funded Radio Farda reported:


Since full U.S. sanctions were imposed on Iran in May 2019, Syria has been receiving an average of around 2 million barrels of crude monthly from Iran, and now more than three times is being delivered at once.


In January and February, Iran’s biggest oil customer, China reduced its imports and with this large cargo arriving in Syria, that country has become the largest oil importer from Iran.


“There can be several reasons why this is happening. Excess oil stocks in the midst of sanctions and a global oil glut is forcing Iran to ship and perhaps store the oil in a friendly country,” the report continued."

