Anonymous ID: 894d39 April 29, 2020, 7:54 a.m. No.8961160   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Remember those Navy UFO videos?


They're circulating in the news again.




Well, this is probably as obvious to you as it is me.


Covid-19 is dying a slow death, so now pops up these Navy/UFO videos again?


Is some sort of false flag disclosure (real or fake) coming?


    • Point being, anons?


I ask you all, "What's the next False Flag (FF) from the Deep State?


We all know FF's are done for distraction (Nothing Can Stop What's Coming) and also to attack POTUS and/or help #QuidProJoe Biden.


So whats next?


*Mass shooting?


*ISIS attack on US soil?


*Another State funeral like Kobe Bryant? Tom Hanks? Oprah? Henry Kissinger<-my choice?


Sometimes we have to step up and lead and not just be good followers.


Here's where can lead:


We can use our collective brain-power along with 2.5 years of the education of being in the QArmy, and accurately target the what, when, where, and who of the next false flag.


I not only think it's something we can do but something we should be doing.


We operate best in organized chaos, so there's no plan other than to take your own initiative on preemptively predicting false flags, specifically the next one.


Scour the signs that are everywhere on TV, news, online, out in public, advertising, celebs, etc.


The Globalist idiot from Nevada Harry Reid (article from two days ago).