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EXCLUSIVE: Claims of Failed June/July 2016 FISA Applications are Deep-State Lies

9 August 2018

by Ashton Gray


LEFT: BBC Washington Correspondent Paul Wood. RIGHT: Louise “Manic Queen of Conspiracy” Mensch. It was Mensch who first planted the CIA-generated lie about one or more failed FISA applications having been filed in June and/or July 2016. Fellow Brit Paul Wood soon picked up the Five-Eyes lies for his friends in MI6 and the CIA, and helped spread them around the world.


How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again!

—Mark Twain


If your breath can fog a mirror and you ended up here, you probably have at least some hazy idea that the FBI had filed one, or possibly two, requests for warrants under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), sometime in June and/or July of 2016—having something somehow to do with Donald Trump and his presidential campaign. You likely also have the idea that the FISA court denied the request (or requests).


That opening paragraph is about as foggy as breath on a mirror for an inescapable reason.


It’s a bet-the-farm certainty that you cannot say with any confidence at all whether the number of purportedly failed FISA applications was one, or two. It’s also an all-in certainty that you cannot say with any confidence whether any such failed FISA applications happened in June of 2016, or in July of 2016, or both.


The reason you can’t say is because the number of such failed FISA applications isn’t one, and it isn’t two; the number is zero. It didn’t happen in June 2016, and it didn’t happen in July 2016, or both, because it never happened at all.


That’s why it is categorically impossible for you or me or anyone in the world to produce even a kibble-sized scrap of evidence that any such failed FISA applications took place. The whole story is a malicious CIA fiction.


And fiction doesn’t leave a paper trail.


This report, though, if you’ll stay with me, exposes critical irrefutable evidence proving beyond any reasonable doubt that no such FISA applications were filed and rejected at all in June or July of 2016.


Before we get to that evidence, here is how the fiction was manufactured:


On 7 November 2016—the day before the presidential election—Louise Mensch spewed out onto her own widely read Heat Street website a breathless story: “EXCLUSIVE: FBI ‘Granted FISA Warrant’ Covering Trump Camp’s Ties To Russia.” As with all CIA lies, it was a deadly cocktail of fact and fiction. It said in pertinent part:


The FBI’s counter-intelligence arm, sources say, re-drew an earlier FISA court request around possible financial and banking offenses … The first request, which, sources say, named Trump, was denied back in June, but the second was drawn more narrowly and was granted in October after evidence was presented of a server, possibly related to the Trump campaign, and its alleged links to two banks; SVB Bank and Russia’s Alfa Bank. … Sources suggest that a FISA warrant was granted to look at the full content of emails and other related documents that may concern US persons.


The only truthful fact in all of that gossipy sewage is that a FISA warrant actually was granted in October 2016. The approval came on 21 October 2016, according to the Department of Justice Inspector General’s report published in June 2018: “A Review of Various Actions by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice in Advance of the 2016 Election.” But that information about the approved 21 October 2016 FISA warrant was a closely guarded secret at the time of Mensch’s article, 7 November 2016.


Just exactly how Ms. Mensch learned of the oh-so-secret October 2016 FISA warrant within only 17 days of its approval is a damned good question, but one that will have to be put on hold for another time. (Soon.)


Meanwhile, what can be said with unshakable certainty is that Louise Mensch was being a water-carrier—or perhaps “sewage-carrier” would be more apt—for the CIA and other Deep-State actors in the Five-Eyes conglomerate, poisoning the groundwater of public knowledge to effect a willfully wicked purpose. Stay tuned…


With the eerie creeping pace of a stalking big cat, the Sewage Masters in the CIA and Five Eyes allowed just over two months to go by before opening another one of their big sewage valves: the BBC’s Washington correspondent, Paul Wood. On 12 January 2016—just in time to hose filth all over Donald Trump’s inauguration—Wood let loose on the BBC’s US & Canada News site with the article, “Trump ‘compromising’ claims: How and why did we get here?” In it, he ratcheted up the Mensch lies, embellishing them with new lies—and even twisting the one grain of truth into a lie:


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