Anonymous ID: e35a61 April 29, 2020, 7:27 a.m. No.8960907   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ONE name just keeps showing up. On April 3 , KISSENGER said in the Wall St. Journal a " Parallel Enterprise " was needed.

( Care to guess what he meant anons ? )


The policy planning staff is in the State Department's Office of Population Affairs, established in1975 by Henry Kissinger


The Haig-Kissinger depopulation policy has taken over various levels of government and is in fact determining U.S. foreign policy.


The order was given by the POLICY COMMITTEE of THE BILDERBERG GROUP based in Switzerland. Other measures were also ordered. The one you will be able to check the easiest is the Haig - Kissinger Depopulation Policy, which is administered by the State Department.


The chief recommendation was to develop a microbe which would attack the auto- immune system and thus render the development of a vaccine impossible. The orders were given to develop the microbe and to develop a prophylactic and a cure. The microbe would be used against the general population and would be introduced by vaccine. The prophylactic was to be used by the ruling elite. The cure will be administered to the survivors when it is decided that enough people have died. The cure will be announced as newly developed when in fact it has existed from the beginning.—behold-a-pale-horse.pdf

page 169

Anonymous ID: e35a61 April 29, 2020, 8:08 a.m. No.8961291   🗄️.is 🔗kun


can we get a SPECAT operator in here for decrypto.?


" I was asked to read and then sign a security oath, which I did. I was then told by Captain Caldwell that my security clear- ance had been upgraded to Top Secret, Q, Sensitive Compartmentalized Information with access authorized on a strict need-to-know basis. He told me to report to the officer in charge of the CINCPACFLT Intelligence Briefing Team the following morning at 0400 hours. I did. What I learned during the time I spent with that briefing team is what led me on my 18-year search that has culminated in the writing of this book. I was later given another upgraded clearance in the crypto category and served as the designated SPECAT operator when I was on watch in the command center.On the day that I learned that the Office of Naval Intelligence had participated in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and that it was the Secret Service agent driving the limo that had shot Kennedy in the head, I went AWOL with no intention of ever returning. My good friend Bob Swan is the one who talked me into going back. Later, on June 1, 1972, the eve of my wedding, I told Bob everything that I knew about the UFOs, Kennedy's assassination, the Navy, the Secret Government, the coming ice age, Alternatives 1, 2, & 3, Project GALILEO, and the plan for the New World Order. I believed it was all true then and I believe it is all true now."—behold-a-pale-horse.pdf

Anonymous ID: e35a61 April 29, 2020, 8:22 a.m. No.8961420   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Middle Eastern Men Arrested Near Mexican Border with Steel Cylinders


Border Patrol agents spotted the men crossing a ranch property in the vicinity of Amado, which is located about 35 miles south of Tucson and has a population of 275. Two of the Middle Eastern men were carrying stainless steel cylinders in backpacks, JW’s sources say, alarming Border Patrol officials enough to call the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for backup. A multitude of federal agents descended on the property and the two men carrying the cylinders were believed to be taken into custody by the FBI.


( HERE is where shit smells funny ….)

* Only three of the men’s names were entered in the Border Patrol’s E3 reporting system, *** ( WHY )

which is used by the agency to track apprehensions, detention hearings and removals of illegal immigrants. E3 also collects and transmits biographic and biometric data including fingerprints for identification and verification of individuals encountered at the border. The other two men were listed as “unknown subjects,” which is unheard of, according to a JW federal law enforcement source. “In all my years I’ve never seen that before,” a veteran federal law enforcement agent told JW.


Border Incident Tracking Tool.

Anonymous ID: e35a61 April 29, 2020, 8:36 a.m. No.8961543   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Judicial Watch Sues to Force Pennsylvania to Clean Its Voter Rolls, Alleges Pennsylvania Has over 800,000 Inactive Voters on Rolls