Anonymous ID: fdd345 April 29, 2020, 7:53 a.m. No.8961143   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Hunt and club security director Jim Pittman were charged with the murder of Levin, a con artist[7] who had allegedly swindled the BBC out of over $4 million. Levin's body was never found, and Hunt maintains that Levin, who was under criminal investigation and out on bail at the time of his disappearance, instead fled the country to escape prosecution.


When authorities began to investigate the murders, Dean Karny, the club's second-in-command and Hunt's best friend, turned state's evidence on both murders in return for immunity from prosecution on three different felony charges in exchange for testimony.


BBC members Hunt, Pittman, Karny (before his immunity deal), Arben Dosti, and Reza Eslaminia were charged with the murder of Hedayat Eslaminia, Reza's father. They allegedly killed him to acquire his fortune, which was reputed to be $35 million (the senior Eslaminia was, in fact, nearly penniless