Anonymous ID: 07c69e April 29, 2020, 9:55 a.m. No.8962233   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Critical Questions for Dr. Shiva About His Attempts to Splinter the Health Freedom Movement

By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, Children’s Health Defense


'''Some highlights


  • Shiva owns pharma co., Cytosolve, that partners with vaccine and drugmakers to accelerate FDA approvals for vaccines and other pharmaceutical drugs.

  • He partners with Pfizer, the world’s #4 vaccine maker

  • Made his money from the Clintons

  • He partners with Microsoft & mutes criticism of Bill Gates

  • When Shiva calls Movement leaders “controlled opposition,” is he speaking of himself?'''


For many months I have remained silent in the face of defamatory and dishonest attacks against me by Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. My approach was to ignore the sniping to preserve the unity of the Health Freedom Movement. However, Shiva has expanded his malevolent campaign to include venomous salvos against our community’s most prominent and effective leaders, including Del Bigtree, Mark Blaxill, Dr. Rashid Buttar, Polly Tommey and Samoan-Australian activist Taylor Winterstein. Because he now has some of our outstanding spokesmen in his gun-sites, and because his poisonous volleys have begun to damage the solidarity that is critical to our success, I reluctantly make this response.



Attacking Our Leaders


Del Bigtree, Mark Blaxill, Polly Tommey and Dr. Rashid Buttar are battle proven veterans deeply scarred by incalculable personal sacrifices suffered on the front-line trenches during decades of hand to hand combat against Pharma, corrupt regulators and the medical cartel. They have published, litigated, campaigned, debated, testified, strategized, organized, informed, and defended. I am proud to have served with each of them in dozens of state capitals, speaking at rallies, testifying before state legislatures, and meeting with public officials. They have emptied their personal bank accounts and, at times, ruined their health in service to our cause. They have each played indispensable roles in building the institutions that have helped us coalesce into the coherent and powerful movement that now threatens the Pharmaceutical paradigm. They have given us every reason to trust them and no reason for doubt. Shiva’s claim that these individuals are “controlled opposition” are patently absurd.


Undermining State Health Freedom Advocates

Shiva has viciously attacked the brilliant Health Choice Massachusetts (HCM) organizer, Candice Edwards. Edwards and her HCM co-founder, Allison Chapman lead the battle to derail the repeal of vaccine exemptions in Boston. Shiva tried to sabotage the group’s efforts, by showing up at Legislature Hearings without the science panel he had promised and delivering self-promotional testimony so loaded with insulting vulgarity and invective, that the Public Health Committee shut down the hearing, calling Shiva “a prick.” Shiva then picked a loud fight with one of the moms accusing her of using her child for political purposes. “He threw us under the bus,” Edwards recalls. Shiva accuses Edwards of being “controlled opposition.”


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