Anonymous ID: e83d0c April 29, 2020, 9:50 a.m. No.8962198   🗄️.is 🔗kun

An anon talks to their sibling.

>The point being not necesssarily one specific technology, but the principle: that many technologies exist that Big Pharma does not want to ever see the light of day. What is profitable for Big Pharma? Not inexpensive cures, but expensive patented treatments that people are told to take every day for life. Big Pharma wants the gravy train to continue? We the People would prefer safe & inexpensive cures? Acquaintance is biomedical researcher and has witnessed corruption in pharma first hand. There is no profit in repurposing medicines that were safely prescribed for 60 years. Wonder what would happen if people found out that major epidemics like AIDS could have been cured immediately, or that vaccines purposely contain DNA fragments and adjuvants to cause future disease?

>Learn double meanings. Learn to read comms from public figures that contain deliberate hidden messaging. Every misspelling, mispunctuation, timestamp, image, odd phrase … comms to those who have eyes to see.