4000=40000ft view
Games are also critical for mind control, for those whom TV/Radio/Movies etc don't work as well.
I suspect they are used to target slightly higher IQ ranges than other mediums.
I quit playing almost 20 years ago because they were having a strange effect on my off-game congition. Sort of like how, when I spend too many hours here before bed I dream in Kun.
Please tell me, with all of our surveillance tech that she's being followed and surveilled 24 hours a day, and footage will be released when the whole gangrenous rot has been cut out and put on display for all to see. When she realizes her whole entire identity and existence are a fraud.
Anyone else buiy silver from APMEX? THey are offering restocked 10oz bars on Pre-sale, shipping May 8.
I've only ever bought existing stock, so no idea what trust level is for a presale.
C before D