I have chosen to buy tonic water made with quinine. For a while I was taking a mineral supplement containing zinc. The quinine is the natural compound from.which chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are derived. The amount in tonic water appears to be small, but I liked it and felt pretty good (less arthritis type achiness) when using it.I like the one in the screen grab.
I have to agree with you about "liberal" friends and relatives. I am continually pleasantly surprised by how much we all agree on: Saving the planet for our children, protecting life and our natural world, minding our own business except when behaviors impact others negatively, having liberty to follow our conscience, freedom to worship and follow God in a community of our choosing.
Here's the thing: HCQ means that prophylaxis is possible AND that the duration of a person being able to infect others is reduced. So, unless someone is severely sick or needs prophylaxis due to age or comorbidities no one else needs to really think.much more about it. No dangerous vaccine needed, no ventilator, no expensive antivirals,no more pharma billions in research, no more insane profit from a mandated vaccine and ZERO need to surveil us over this!
I've been around about 2 years, I think. Suspect some of the folks originally here are in intelligence roles now. Pretty sure many lurk. I think you are full of "DS". (" typo" intentional in case you wondered)