>the great disruptive wave
>information warfare
>[C] = Key
>C before D
>see before declas
>knowledge before declas
>40000 feet concept
>when an idea reaches 10% of the population, it becomes the norm
>fisa happens
>declas happens
>[sheep] are confused
>but if we [C] well before them, we can propagate certain ideas through the use of maps and memetics
>rand & roth
>randy from south park
>delcas industries llc
>mysterious, blurred place
>star wars
>delcas holovid
>Delcas HoloVid was established as a front for Renik, the shadowy counter-intelligence branch of Imperial Intelligence. To the public, it was a typical entertainment company.
>to the public, it was a typical entertainment company
>max headroom
>on the right path, almost solve
>who owns george
>]We[ Are [Here] With (You).
>those stopped, w&w came
>just a coincidence
>hum[a] odd
>huma. follow huma. where is huma?
>old destroyer
>one document does it all
>operational detachment delta
>oppositional defiant disorder