Anonymous ID: 145720 Federal appeals court rules voter ID law unconstitutional April 29, 2020, 4:15 p.m. No.8965964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5974 >>6018 >>6139

Federal appeals court rules voter ID law unconstitutional


A federal appeals court ruled Wednesday that Kansas can’t require voters to provide proof of citizenship when they register to vote.


The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a permanent injunction issued by U.S. District Judge Julia Robinson in 2018 and found that Kansas’s requirement to provide identification when registering to vote violates the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment as well as the National Voter Registration Act.


The law required Kansans who were registering to vote to provide documents proving their U.S. citizenship, such as a birth certificate or a passport.


Kansas argued that it has an interest in protecting election integrity by preventing voter fraud and that providing proof of citizenship is not a significant burden on voters. The court agreed that Kansas had a legitimate interest in protecting election integrity but found that the 67 instances of voter fraud since 1999 did not justify the burden placed on Kansans.


“The district court found that even under calculations from one of the Secretary’s experts, the estimated number of suspended applications that belonged to noncitizens was ‘statistically indistinguishable from zero,’ while ‘more than 99% of the individuals’ whose voter-registration applications were suspended were citizens who presumably would have been able to vote but for the DPOC requirement,” the court noted in its 84-page ruling.


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Trust Kansas.

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Tic toc.




Un. Fucking. Believable.