Anonymous ID: 2e9392 April 29, 2020, 3:50 p.m. No.8965684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5702



Every Q Follower and Anons here are aware:



/                                           \

Alt & US Media                          US PoliticiansQ


Most Anons are also aware of the MASSIVE Jewish Cabal Organized* Subversion of America.  At every level of power and control, and in every major industry.

*Prosecutable under the RICO Statute.


Infiltration at Every Level of Our Society: $$Money - Rothschilds OWN the power to Create Money out of Thin Air.

This is the Ultimate Power because with Unlimited Money, Cabal Jews can Finance other Jews to Buy Up Anything of Value, and Any Position of Power and Control.


The Jewish Owned and Mossad Control MSM's old trick of kvetching "anti-semitism" no longer works.


Through MSM and Hollywood, Cabal Jews* have controlled the Jewish Narrative for nearly a Century in the USA.

*Cabal Jews do not include normie Jews.


That control of the narrative is on the brink of collapse.


ADL Jews have stated that 1 Billion people worldwide are anti-semitic.


Translation: at least 1 Billion people are Awake, and not fooled by Jewish propaganda False Narrative, which HIDES the Jewish Subversion of America, and of the World.


What the Israeli Army shills and Sayanim Jew shills are Failing to See: The Outrage and Disgust of those of us WHO KNOW.


The Jewish Cabal Control of our country is being dismantled day by day, methodically and inexorably.  The End is Near for the Cabal. (from the Jewish mysticism Kabbalah)


*There will be a Tsunami of Gentile RAGE against these Jewish Cabal fuckers which will SHOCK JEWS!!


Israel's Army JIDF shills and Sayanim Jews shilling their Jewish/Israeli Propaganda here are Clueless with their pathetic Ad Hominem attacks against the Truth posted about the Jewish Cabal, like Ostriches with their heads in the Palestinian sand.