Anonymous ID: 4e237d April 29, 2020, 3:59 p.m. No.8965787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5872 >>5892


The entire premise behind Blue Beam is idiotic and logistically impossible. Consider that if voice-to-skull (V2S) tech told everyone in the world in their own language that their deity wanted them to X (follow someone, do something, not do something) -

  • what would be the message to all the atheists? How would they know which people were or not? Many people keep their own beliefs or non-beliefs/positions to themselves.

  • how the fuck would [they] know who is religious and who is not? Many do not go to church but are very devout and no one knows it

Secondly, the idea that an 'alien presence or invasion' would be faked is laughably stupid. While the V2S may get attention that day, [they] would have to actually produce aliens to the public, and the charade couldn't end in a day, week, or few months, it would have to be permanent.

Or, conversely, if it was a fake Jesus is back show, they would have to produce someone who could consistently perform miracles, etc.


Think of how quickly we are able to pick apart their dumbshit narratives about false flags, and how far that analysis travels? Think about how many people NOT on a chan/kun are doing that, and that is only spreading more with each incident.


The fact that anyone actually takes the Blue Beam scenario seriously is disappointing. The idea that there is no life 'out there' but only on our planet is also ridiculous, even just the probability is overwhelming. The premise that only what is here, on our planet, in front of us, is the only thing that is real (and the Earth is flat, muh firmament, space is fake, anti-gravity is fake) is disqualifying. Anyone who believes that I cannot take seriously because the wealth of data to the opposite must necessarily be ignored in favor of some weird religious belief, and that means all their analysis is flawed.

Anonymous ID: 4e237d April 29, 2020, 4:13 p.m. No.8965939   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Their trust and good will has been abused for decades.

They deserve to know the truth and it will make them very angry.

>When they all wake up they will need a hug, not mockery and cat-calls.

True. Waking up is very difficult, and anons need to extend a hand not point and laugh at their discomfort.

Thank you, anon, for seeing clearly, and being ready to help those around you.

Anonymous ID: 4e237d April 29, 2020, 4:22 p.m. No.8966057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6096 >>6152


What I am talking about is logic and logistics, feasibility and probability. That is cold, hard and uncaring, not a narrative, nothing to do with any media.

The scenario of Blue Beam is not logistically feasible, whether fake alien invasion or fake Jesus return.

Also, why are you talking to yourself? >>8966005


The point is not that space is fake, etc.(obviously space is real, earth is round, sad that anyone has to say that) it's that the scenario to FAKE an invasion or 2nd coming is ridiculously not feasible.


Anonymous ID: 4e237d April 29, 2020, 4:35 p.m. No.8966203   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>all lies collapse in the eyes of Truth

Darkness is overcome by the Light. Even a small light has an impact.

Truth has a way of being stubborn and unyielding, it doesn't change, only the person has to change himself to accommodate the Truth.