Anonymous ID: afccae April 29, 2020, 4:03 p.m. No.8965835   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5881 >>5931 >>5960 >>5989 >>6016 >>6039 >>6190


How can we be the producers of the movie when

(1) we follow the 10 commandments not to bear false witness


(2) we do not have factual information to make the movie about.

Very little is confirmed. Much is speculative. What is a movie? How do we make a movie? Can't you see that this environment is not a conducive work environment? We are distributed. We never met each other. We have been fighting shills for 2.5 years and trying to figure stuff out. We have been meming our little hearts out with no feedback on the efficacy of our efforts. Our twitter cannons keep getting banned.


And now we're supposed to figure out more riddles and then pretend we know the truth so we can make a fucking MOVIE?

Do you see that the way your team is approaching this cyber op is creating dissention and confusion? Making good-hearted anons tear out their hair with frustration?

We know nothing. All we can do is guess and speculate. Nobody confirms our guesses to us, they just throw more riddles at us.


Sometimes I weep with frustration. Like now.