Anonymous ID: db1d21 April 29, 2020, 3:30 p.m. No.8965525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5593

>>8965124 (lb)

I beg to differ, but it does sound like you are dealing with much of the same as I am.


>>8965374 (lb)

Yes, and the roadmap is right here for anyone to go and learn their own selves. Giving the public a nudge is warranted, and needed.


Sorry, we simply disagree on this, and Q's not answering this simple question of whether or not they will ever confirm is concerning because I have a list of people that will be forever blind to the truth until someone makes a statement.

Anonymous ID: db1d21 April 29, 2020, 3:57 p.m. No.8965758   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Every town has a lodge, so it stands to mention "yes, even you secret fuckers, too".


DJT has been pointing this out for a reason, but using the wrong year. 1917. Invisible enemy, and all.

Anonymous ID: db1d21 April 29, 2020, 4:06 p.m. No.8965868   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nah, I'm good. Muh govnah dun opened the state back up. Now, Jovita Moore gets to rant and rave about the killer virus devastating errone, while we're expected to covfefe back to work in traffic an shiet. Hey, at least we know it's a hoax, right?


Look, shit's happening. I have some MAJOR difference on just a couple of things with Q and the plan. The rest of the anons act like they are super awesome gatekeepers of a hidden understanding, and offer nothing other than scoffs at people that question "authority", from time to time. Soldiers fall into line. Anons inquire.


But if you think grabbing yer guns, yer god, and yer bible and chanting freedom on the steps is going to hasten Q into action, you're deceived, my man. Q's going to do what Q is going to do. Q's plan is going to go on Q's timeline. And Q's going to answer questions from anons that fit into the plan, and make drops on their timeline so as to push the plan in the direction they want it to go in.


You either trust these guys, or ya ain't. Iffin ya ain't, then good luck to ya. I'll be watchin' channel 5 when you make your world debut.

Anonymous ID: db1d21 April 29, 2020, 4:21 p.m. No.8966045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6069



Q's not happy with Kemp, though, so what are people supposed to think, again? Who knows, right?



You guys should go back and try to figure out what Maggie meant with this one:

Maggie Haberman


"There is no smoking on this train. If you're found smoking, we'll assume you're on fire and take the appropriate action," says the Amtrak conductor.


Q's response was great, too. See if you can figure it out.

Anonymous ID: db1d21 April 29, 2020, 4:27 p.m. No.8966120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6163 >>6213



Anyone want to address the elephant in the room regarding invoking 'genes' in the statement? It's not his first time doing it, especially when he refers to himself.


Not saying there's a racist angle there; not in the LEAST bit. What I am saying is this drop is weird, and people aren't getting it:

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: e021ac No.7557331 📁

Dec 19 2019 01:21:22 (EST)

Backchannels are important.

Know your history and you will know why.



@POTUS knows something about people. Tossing shit out there would normally be called some sort of division faggotry, but he's trying to point at something folks haven't figured out yet about "human nature".


What is it?