Anonymous ID: f72d75 April 29, 2020, 3:39 p.m. No.8965587   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6044

Yeah, went back and read the responses to my post in the last bread, which I shall repost here, but before I do.


POTUS is a MASTERMIND along the levels of 1 Jigsaw.

That's right, go watch the movies 'SAW'. 4D chess at it's finest.

He even played the smartest anons in here with this covid-19 shit.

While anons thought all of his covid-19 pressers were about other shit as quiet signaling, anons fucked up.

He was refering to all thing covid-19 related, not sotck market, not oil futures.


3 swabs pointing down, anons all over it as oil crash…WRONG!

He was telling us governors are going down, by their own actions.


Get your heads out of your asses and keep it straight and steady!

COVID-19 Presser…then it's covid-19 problems.


POTUS tweets PLENTY about the other shit going on.


One really has to wonder about the IQ of so-called anons at times.


After all, those so-called anons that are bitching about MY FREEDOMS didn't catch this at all, they just wanted to bitch.


POTUS declared a NATIONAL EMERGENCY after ALL 50 states had declared a state of emergency.


He HAD to wait for ALL states to declare a state of emergency, and when they did, he set the trap.


Remember the drop that reads, "Those who scream the loudest"?


Wanna play a game?….4-5D chees going on here.

POTUS asked for the civilian population to self quarantine for 15 days at first.


Soon as he did that and the 15 days passed who was it still screaming to keep lock-downs in place….mainly NYC and other democrat governors, after all, THEY were the ones screaming the loudest, so he played along…more or less give them more rope to hang themselves with.


POTUS mentioned in one of his pressers that he was leaving it up to the governors to decide because each location was different and could be handled differently. In short, he let the governors do what they thought, (and I say thought because there were some that did do what was right and fair), what was right according to their own mind. Thing is, those governors didn't count on the people to stand up when they pushed to far.


Trap sprung!


NOW POTUS knows which governors to trust, and which ones to round up. So stop bitching about your freedoms and look at the bigger 40,000 ft. view of what happened, and be happy that you can tell your grandkids how YOU actively played a roll in freeing our great nation once again from tyranny. Give yourselves a pat on the back for the moment, for your free beer will be en route before too much longer.