Anonymous ID: 5af299 Quarantine May 12, 2020, 8:01 a.m. No.9139665   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There has been an ongoing argument about the presence of extraterrestrials visiting Earth ever since the first UFO was sighted. One side of the argument claims that they are already here observing us while the other side of the argument claims that if they were here they would have contacted us years ago. In order to find a solution to this argument you half to take it from the perspective of the individuals whom are visiting us. Before making contact of any kind they would first observe our behavior and determine whether or not it is of an aggressive nature or of a passive nature. Certain precautions would have to be taken if an aggressive nature were determined while little precautions may be needed if our behavior was passive. How long this determination would take would depend on when they first arrived and what type of activity we were engaged in at the time. If they arrived during the renaissance; we may have been labeled as passive intellectuals with interests in poetry, literature, politics, science, art, philosophy and unfortunately religion. On the other hand if they arrived during The Crusades, we would definitely be labeled as warmongering barbarians with an inherent tendency to displace personal grievances into bias and hatred towards other nations, cultures, ethnic groups and ideologies. Simply because we love to kill each other is no reason for them to label us in such a biased fashion; they simply do not understand war and the enormous effort we have given to its development.

Anonymous ID: 5af299 Intelligent life May 12, 2020, 8:20 a.m. No.9139928   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If this building complex was pre-existing then we would be able to see it with telescopes especially the big telescopes. If they can read a newspaper from space with their spy satellites then a building complex on the Moon would be a piece of cake. The building complexes on the Moon explain why we have so many alien structures on Earth, which begs the question did the Egyptians build the pyramids? It is their only claim to fame. Did the Mayans build their pyramids? Some alien structures on Earth are so massive that we would have trouble building them today. The human race it too easily manipulated and distracted. We think of ourselves as intelligent and have the arrogance to think that we are the only intelligent life in the cosmos. How pathetic!