Anonymous ID: 3597c0 April 30, 2020, 8:20 a.m. No.8972442   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Good morning Baker, I nominate this anons work (albeit on VOAT) for aRED TEXTNOTABLE.


This is long overdue, I keep forgetting to mention.


I realize that the NOTABLE include almost every one of these, but this filters out just the WINS.



I want to bring attention to the work of an ANON on VOAT.

This Patriot everyday creates a post called:


"'Wins of the Day: CURRENT DATE'"


It really is a great resource:

  • Consolidates the WINS into one POST.

  • Great information resource.

  • Great RED PILLING material for social media.

  • Highlights the TOPICS that the MSM completely ignores or lies about.

  • Encouraging for those in the fight. Who lose track of all the victories.

  • Completely silences the ARRESTS OR GTFO or NOTHING BEING done crowd.


Facts beat blatant lies every single time.



Here is a link to a SEARCH of this DAILY POST:



For example here was yesterdays POST:


Wins of the Day: April 29, 2020


Biden lags Trump in voter enthusiasm by 19%


Biden goes live again, says Trump’s America First policies put “economic intercourse” at risk


Biden campaign’s talking points on sexual abuse claim were founded on “the New York Times exonerated Joe” but today the NYT said not so fast


Even Wash Post asks for Biden to release records and address the allegations


We’re up to FIVE people who have corroborated Tara Reade’s allegations that Biden sexually assaulted her


Christopher Steele states under oath that Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice were each personally aware of his efforts to create the dossier


Explosive FBI handwritten notes, FINALLY delivered to Flynn’s lawyer this week after 3+ years, say the FBI’s goal was “to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired”


Graham releases entire FBI transcripts on Papadopoulos showing that there was no foundation to suspect any Russia collusion with him or Trump campaign


Association of American Physicians and Surgeons urge use of HCQ, but not to be found on MSM sites


Remdesivir treatment for COVID-19 showing promise


Trump orders intel agencies to comb through communications between China and WHO on COVID-19


After more than a week of Rasmussen daily approval polls at 44%, today’s poll ticked up to 46%


See you tomorrow.



See screenshots of the POST.


Please ignore notable request if this is old news, or not note worthy.


I will bring these over from VOAT everyday if they aren't redundant.
