Anonymous ID: 5ca661 April 30, 2020, 9:09 a.m. No.8972963   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3114


>>8970875 US Intel Officials Believe 45,500 Corpses Were Incinerated In One Fortnight In Wuhan


why submit to that faggot

no fucking sauce

truepundit grabbed the article from zerohedge


“Again, we don’t know the real numbers today, but we do know the about 80,000 infections and 4,000 deaths as reported by the Chinese Communist Party propaganda are not even remotely close,” the official added.


It is believed that US intelligence has in its possession satellite images showing funeral homes in Wuhan overwhelmed by dead bodies. Officials believe that incinerators have been in constant use for 24 hours a day since the outbreak began.


The intelligence sources have noted that in a two week period between March 23 and April 4, over 500 urns were delivered to Wuhan families every day, which equates roughly to one urn per minute.


US intelligence therefore calculates a conservative estimate of 45,500 corpses having been incinerated during this time.


The figure jives with estimates highlighted by The Washington Post earlier this month.


Intelligence officials have known for some time that China is lying about the true extent of cases and deaths inside its borders, calling CCP figures “fake”.


The UK government has removed China’s numbers from its coronavirus spread comparison list, because it is certain they have no relation to the truth.


A recent estimation of the true death toll, released by The American Enterprise Institute suggested that China must have had at least 2.9 million cases outside the Hubei province and that the total number of deaths is likely well over 100,000.


a few of those words are hyperlinked to sauces

much better article for such inflammatory headlines supporting fake covid news hype