>>8973069 LB
I've never heard of her but making fun of crazy people isn't cool. Not when they're legit mentally ill. Making fun of NPC's for drinking the bolshevik kool-aid is ok, obviously.
>>8973069 LB
I've never heard of her but making fun of crazy people isn't cool. Not when they're legit mentally ill. Making fun of NPC's for drinking the bolshevik kool-aid is ok, obviously.
Keep going, Anon. Eventually you embrace it and love the freedom that comes with being a total loser. You just gotta give in and let it go.
hXF6 QUmk [o]j FTWb TZmf AdAb [q]D ZOCo
xrXb 9llY NroQ md0A 9w34 SMDB FRc0 trgM
G5CC zIes 3EAI gIOl 6Ypi gVy_ t[y] giFQ
zZjv r93k nap6 9bLo 7Cw4 PeYU 8B6E [c]F
A9wK PP5V kWO2 EwI_ 5vDg v95h 5qBN doEK
L[k] ivVt 1OQq jYFG 03qo FYWT zTYU d8EH
5edY ogJV 1f8f Pd7B Vvxr KgcN w5ow 1D0A
K0BW D3cj 0eNs RvMh Gn1J N8lF Etq1 oCwj
QRcf JZGt KlQW fioN 1TZ2 kuCt tROa PJRk
SH2H lZoq tCRK hRYj kcWg LosZ OJns fGgk
4tLy PLgW YCYU JGrd 3KAV KKF4 mTgm coR2
aLFl VkBb [L]C ddn5 HHT2 Lxvv cYOW epyw
eMR8 inGu wuOf KoY4 dHSJ MSZt NwuR fDHr
RPn2 cjCv A9Qh poKd Ztlr qkGz EwFF rsZN
Jzgv 0Ycd QI9e I[d] JZMH [w]K BGMb KzO5
3wOo WvYV SKhM jjcW N3sv pqeU PrRT Dxts
Mqjv QTPs RzGB mVY3 9UjD 4dCb Zysl YiqX
2cct RKRT nTEe C0vL 6MLr UXp0 4K42 Lbj2
k0an pLzr lJ8C 7b5R AQuW JsEK ZIdy CXMf
q81l lPkz 2wDy wToW DCWr OU3r dmBX 4hSi
tvpk aIqt QIJ4 u[Z] 337g DWWw Z8wt ZUy6
fvWk eFPK ECO8 [8]O 8I4w a9P8 M07l f0N0
Fs0V 5hRM 8ZAG 8sNP KhRd SuUD u0F5 xLWO
kkYO 1XqW 3c12 sYzT tljd V[8] LYfQ uOzo
rGmy QNG4 VIz0 Z8le FpwR rBgN 001i KDC8
OQYd 1IDd oH49 0M8B DUdO ngBe nuI1 syVj
bghn pAwu HL10 ZGt8 yV7q c0xt TSBN Raz9
9SYH kA_N ZlvC KUtO PhAB 90p1 JO2t 8[g]
BZl6 5EA2 Sqh1 5dUn oLNh E41m n8QL kvQM
lOH6 QufT acy0 n3iy EiG6 soYR vCvi HYtw
5ny3 wYdV cHvU yO8K LEtZ QQMq WUDB 3NM6
fi1S l2t2 sm2y DKRb DiGH bwLi tDCn VUPu
ufXg w8mw G73i hK_W 8nO5 0HtV wKwj UBLD
eS21 xtxR 0nkA xVOa g5yB 8f04 pJN3 dlI_
jT9q yQbH cvPJ FneJ A5GP P8xe Rtvb WlwB
beSc Wo4l kHiZ SU4g DQ78 y840 cOLW m2Tr
Kc_n 2TSq u2Ak jb1b FdYZ wrUR 4ur9 AY1j
RJUW AG6o zk5s I8Jf n6n2 0Npj 2NRd cnFO
vqvN yiGz Efbv vDeT Z7W7 GXub hIuo HoA5
OSMT sb6S merc x00N IwWC EbAc 9o8s YJPs
4HKb dz75 ATvy 2[4] Il0X 3pUG AK08 9HRY
6qs5 8xCY Ebus 6NMC VQ_m H[s] 9YA0 leup
kltm n9tZ Chpe ixUp BoNH 6Zse qt0j 66e7
ZU7E e57n JE87 v7qh sODm Qul5 RvEh g7JU
lkKj W6eQ rT_j rd9z qSPi iO_t eGv9 wiN2
m5hU qT9_ QfSQ goAk Iy2M MjaZ uHtf 5BTW
hc7X TIzE fV9e aBxI fjoL sbLi HFaR wcRa
YIeN tas2 gDV2 iHJG TCpj EVQ5 oSgJ 6Vca
gSPz 4vcz wScN q41Y 7ojD CFP3 I0P7 VYvz
b6TD gacy evth 5kDV DrYb 2[3] zRx3 QOVY
wUFO 5M8n Gb3t iefg M6Ts e4ak DV2n 0coy
vusi SRiZ tdOI M3mp q5hY 2GeR 3ALy owMh
xkD0 bUne xhTf 5Xtt Q9ma wvD5 j4Cy Grff
r02u G9Wv 1VZx S0ib h7TO FRQ6 WPQk 352v
ig05 LRes Koj6 WjuN WhtN yNJw N0sD g8If
GdbP pRx9 vLsA a6mg 5HgA Dy5p PZ0f tF7Q
55Nn ssym 2Ox1 49MN iD7y IhYf MhxZ [k]V
dxg0 Rut2 pLL_ zTUl mz8F ebnL x1a3 kZTg
tmje nJCh DaCr LS8H FPzU 2rUt Qihd 3LYj
g2Q6 Eej1 lfSv GjYf HQ8K n9Ws nxxb glfL
Nf_z WJ6O 5sXd eIy2 dJnf lsZc eTJ_ YlsY
h1SF RkOf YYVT 49oX Kr_l zutG nxe6 xIlD
HLvP 84sr lybt GbU8 6Stj uW_N HWZb tX0e
qn41 X9uI a8Ix UKhU DQgN ZU8h Zuhv vzv5
rJzq yt57 1T0H brID LyY1 yys8 mJNC nisd
iRsR 9VVw cnhj PQEc H2F9 BsNT [v]X pOaB
2awG EkQe agOR 2sLA h3Rd cl8f bmjn ngBa
99MF BZFT ZFig RYlJ eVi2 M1zg SqEe aP_s
W7t5 ik10 Srv3 Zp3z kOlr 0VTI 0nmT EImK
8cPR kQak vctF eSrn x3En ze0h ntZB cxi1
UcJw 0mFj HJuL EMp_ Dr1A ftrx wLDE hsG2
3BCS UMeA [l]T hMPb uMUE LE3L QCbp 9Tt4
Rx8e aqBz sq1e O6L9 l2uw ryiv j0e6 EzRJ
JhZE MS9C 7Foc QIrA 8uUw xNIF zp8X bX2o
ub0g woKL HimO 05MC r5f4 Ew67 xEEL ZxF6
k0mI J4Rz AfSE [V]Y dwGl OCp3 29IN tbNp
8Bxw oAqR y5WB dv50 R[f] oEMM bKcz dhbj
VG6x 3[0] kRzM wU0p nm4_ N9qK nUlI xQZw
KyYu [f]_ 0BUN V98Q 5RK8 vAAj hZ1t ASeE
5kk4 TNGN OUp7 XmxW BK4m Zdql lKW0 MbUy
UlNe 5usR LeKE bUNe rZe7 YV7l gXFU 1vtw
x1dq 4[b] QEj2 Uwdu j[J] DXXp dkw8 ytGD
Dbwp m0QF DRpe vGPC iyIE p5A1 SsOx mhbD
5BAi a9yF AEui 4Ey9 jR0E BWoO 0Adz rG2W
kp1C oR_d 88w5 refD [C]P d[W] qm7v HbMA
u8zT Ol8M JGSC 4w9U [5]l goLA 20CH Pzi_
yN_r rHsM qXTo [O]K gpEM tbBh 6RKd J9W9
aSil UH0d WJHl m[N] TywI q97q mmrx JUXc
cdec lrBP ic3a poI9 Luqg hNU3 0GUq [K]C
q5pj VoZ8 54lc UCo7 gFvd A3Tg uxNB ou5k
BJDX z1o6 MkAG PKzw Tgdv 81OE iGA0 ACoM
8Pkm Oh9A 0w_9 OJTE H[U] kIj0 fITM sbez
URlX fn3P sB3J kD1e U[U] qwYh 5MEP 1Sjc
i2AT YO5X d36v k[_] GHqT XZo3 nT08 hvhO
FTWW AOrZ 8tBU yt0V haMK ZfWo gLc1 WkNT
F7P8 R1vU qbdX tDDP 619O kjP2 AWvD 3kxD
qZxd UfoY EBVk KdAF YTD0 hkHt CrD1 lFUZ
pF5h Ik_8 ZUAs FgKQ 7j5C 10oM 0mzc GhDX
dfLX 6m4w aCZi rIyG luhC EQ1B ixmI 3cGn
EbT9 j6bp fX6L MVl3 8XvV LNMN FHae ubE6
pK_Q Wubt 1WIZ wkp_
Nobody here thinks it's any kind of a threat since it has a death rate of .003% of infected so I personally haven't even dug into anything. All the numbers are made up out of thin air. You can't form data sets on make-believe data, well, you can but it's pointless.
I reposted faggabot's little crypto block with 4 letters changed. Lulz are had. I probably single-handedly destroyed a multi-million dollar big-brain operation in one shitpost! kek
Clear now that General Flynn was set up by dirty cops at the highest levels of our governmentโฆ
Nothing almost happens
Things either happen or they don't
Truth is not a sliding scale
Seems totally legit.
all the blue check marks putting on a show
it's just like the old days in auschwitz when they put on their little plays.
>Who was putting on the shows? The Joos or the Guards?
They did some together. Mostly the prisoners which were mostly poles, not jews, just christian poles.
>How can the concept of free will be used to prove anything?
Sometimes the proof of something is the effect another thing has on the atmosphere, proving that thing is there. Even in the most advanced neural networks, computers still have to make a quasi-random choice 0 or 1 (left or right) but free will would dictate you could revolt an go the other way.
Free will means you can get up off the chair and walk out, or choose to kick the door down even though the door isn't made to be kicked down.
Humanity is in the disobedience to rules.
quasi-random != random, did you miss that? why did you feel the need to correct me on that?
I see the difference but I didn't make that argument so I'm not sure what you're getting at?
I already did, I think you're confusing me with the other Anon. I never made a free-will tie to God argument and I don't intend to. It's pointless and a waste of time.