Not nukes, but armed citizenry.
Of course, this means for shit if you can't shoot and kill those trying the manipulate your citizenry and trying to take advantage of them while thumbing their noses at them from insider the border.
>muh hate crime.
>muh 'racism'.
Q, are we going to be allowed to beat back those who try to manipulate and racially aggress against us?
I know it's a tool for the enemy in many angles, but it REALLY is their (((vector of attack))).
I'd personally rather see us western peoples go into their little hidey holes in our nations and fuck them up from inside out, in their little mosques, synagogues, 'homes' etc.
This is vital. (((them))) and their little 'pets' are trying to fuck with us every day.
Need removal/public humiliation/beat back.
This is what gets those morales down.
THIS is (((their))) PRIME vector of subversion.
Rape of a civilization. Delusion turned into reality with bursting 'youth bulge' directly imported into comp'd population their conditioned over time.
Thoughts? Not advocating direct action but water has been thoroughly poisoned for certain age demographic. (((they))) are counting on this, if we don't act to remove them, it is a losing battle as days go by.