The activation of the NG is an integral part of moving forward with THE WAVE. The NG is necessary to keep the peace when Hussein and HRC get taken down.
The “Superforce” that Caused the Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, the Jewish Shabbatean Pope.
Here's the connections. Also key date is April 19th coming up.
This in uncannily like it was thirty-four years prior when Pope John Paul II’s predecessor, Albino Puciani, known as Pope John Paul I lost his life in 1978 after one month sitting on the papal throne, when he tried to clean up the scandals within the Vatican Bank controlled by the Vatican’s P-2 Freemason Lodge and the Rothschild Dynasty that is known as the “Guardian of the Vatican Treasury.”
The papal conclave started on April 18, 2005, ten days after the funeral of John Paul II. Within 22 hours and four ballots later, on April 19, 2005, the 111th pope, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected. Is there any significance to all of this? One significant fact is that April 19 is one of the most important ‘high occult days’ in the calendar of Black Magick.
For thirteen days, between April 19 to May 1, the Black Magick practitioners will celebrate the “Blood Sacrifice to the Beast.” The high day is April 19, 2005 when across the globe human sacrifices were required by the covens. An even more auspicious celebration day is Beltane, or May 1 (May-day) as the second holiest day on the calendars of the occult next to Halloween. Has the day, April 19 been noted in history for any certain significance?”
http:// destination-yisrael.biblesearchers. com/destination-yisrael/2013/02/the-superforce-that-caused-the-resignation-of-pope-benedict-xvi-the-jewish-shabbatean-pope.html