What makes 1983 the cutoff? Sauce please!
>Excellent Point. Please help us fix the 'California' Problem.
The California problem is called Democrat vs. Democrat running for office with impossible barrier to entry for others. It will require violent intervention.
>The cabal is the worst enemy America has ever had in its entire history. We either defeat them or we are done. No holds barred use the full strength of the military, there should be no private clown operations in America ever, declare it a terrorist organization rivaling Al Queda.
The Cabal is America's ONLY enemy since 1776. Every single war caused by them. Every single opponent was installed by them. Every single violent crime and catastrophe can be traced to them. All social malaise is engineered by them.
You have to ask, what could possibly come after them? How much room is left in the story of Creation? Does mere technology carry the evil torch from the bankers all the way to the end?