y'allanons, maplesyrupfag here. apology if already discussed, hot off the canukistan "conservative" press:
Diane Francis: Could COVID-19 spell the end of the American union?
Blue America is richer and bigger than the rest of the country, yet it is governed by a Republican Senate and president that gives it little respect. Either that changes, or the regime changes, or the country will
In 2004, a satirical redrawing of the map of Canada and the United States surfaced after George W. Bush’s narrow victory in the U.S. presidential election. The Canadian provinces, plus the U.S. states that voted for the Democratic presidential candidate, were coloured blue and labelled, cheekily, as “the United States of Canada.” The rest, Republican, or red states, were dubbed “Jesus land,” for their social conservatism and religiosity.
What’s notable today is that this map still holds and, in fact, the divide it highlighted has widened. It is the fault line in America’s culture wars. The majority of people living in the blue states, including Canada’s provinces, support social policies such as universal health care, pro-choice, tougher gun laws, an end to capital punishment, legalization of marijuana, gay rights and respect for the role of the state and its institutions to manage civil society.
What’s deepened the differences is COVID19, an agnostic disease that has been politicized and resulted in the blue states formally joining forces, through three regional coalitions designed to enact public health policies and initiatives that are more aggressive and science-based than those in red states. These new coalitions include all the 2004 blue states — the three Pacific states, the Great Lakes states, six mid-Atlantic states around New York — plus a handful of neighbouring states…
… Regional disparities have always characterized the United States, but the two Americas are becoming increasingly irreconcilable and disenfranchised. Besides the 15 states that have formed health-care coalitions, another seven states fall into the blue state category: three in New England, along with Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico and Virginia, which have voted Democrat in three out of the last four presidential elections. If included in a revised map, blue America is richer and bigger than the rest of the country. Combined, they generate more taxes for federal coffers than the rest of the country and get little respect from their federal government.
Either that changes, or the regime changes, or the country will. As COVID-19 continues to bear down globally, and if nothing mitigates or heals the culture clash south of the border, the disease’s biggest casualty may become America’s union.
reminds this anon of US Civil War as means to spilt US, share between English and French branches of Rothschilds (allegedly), only to be thwarted by Russian Tsar who had Lincoln's back.
Godspeed anons. Deja vu all over again.