I'm so pissed right now, I had to blow an un posted post to get the steam out. Anons. Covid-19 is looking like a bioweapon "in progress" being used as a test, and possibly to set up the ADE for the real bioweapon. ADE means Antibody Dependant Entry, where a vaccine or an initial natural exposure sets a population up for Round 2 Death in big numbers. Round 1 exposure is mild antivaccine in it's activity. This is why SARS never had a vaccine. The test killed the mice. We learned this in 2014, and finally understood why Spanish flu mostly killed ages 20-45 it's second time around the world in 2018.
The virus used round 1 to teach the immune system to escort the virus into the healthy cells, instead of building immunity. So, result? Round two exposure kills people between the ages of 20-45 because these are the people who have the strongest immune systems, and who have most virus escorted into their healthy cells.
I'm going to work on the sauces tonight, and post on this tomorrow. Short TL:DR is,
the virus is real,
It is a test being hyped,
Trump is not wasting time getting America ready for round two, the finished bioweapon, comming to a nation near you.
God I Hope Kissingers "parallel operation" is not a fast release of the real thing sooner than we have our shit together. If we are together and ready, we can stop the real bioweapon, which, if built off of the original SARS, should have a 15% kill capacity on second exposure.
Wanted anons to look up a little plant called parthenium integrifolium. It grows in North America. Anyone with a green house, or a garden, get on it.
Then, download this patent off line for sure.
Then, go here (pic related) quietly: