Anonymous ID: 29f17a April 30, 2020, 6:50 p.m. No.8981170   🗄️.is 🔗kun

has it been said more than once that the CDC showed in 2005 the HCQ was effective in both the treatment and the prevention of SARS Covid ???


Why are there some hospitals in CT abandoning this treatment? Q please help people are dying to further a twisted agenda and the "doctors" responsible must be held to account


January to April 12, 2020


22 August 2005

CDC Special Pathogens Branch

MJ VIncet, E.Bergon, S. Benjannet, BR Erickson, Pierre Rollin, T.G. Ksiazek, NG Seidah,

ST Nichole. Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread. Virology Journal. (2005) 2: 69

Chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS CoV infection of primate cells in tissue culture. These inhibitory effects are observed when cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic preventative and treatment use. The paper describes three mechanisms by which the drug might work and suggest it may have both a prophylactic and therapeutic role in Coronavirus infections.


Within the context of an expanding COVID-19 pandemic, it is reasonable to propose the EARLY use of Hydroxychloroquine in attempt to reduce the number of COVID patient hospitalization days, and hence provide an increased rate of patient turnover and a more efficient use of limited hospital ventilators.

The finding in the gross data study done on 10 April 2020 showing a slightly prolonged Average Length of Hospital Stay (ALOS) in the population group given HCQ/CQ/Azithromycin, requires further investigation. Azithromycin can show the same cardiac conduction effects as Chloroquine in humans, but there has not been a widespread aversion to its being prescribed. Some 4,000 individuals have now been given what are considered to be COVID doses of Hydroxychloroquine, and not one cardiac conduction problem has been noted.


Historical controls are used in many previous studies in medicine. In this respect, the safety of Hydroxychloroquine is well documented. When the safe use of this drug is projected against its apparent effect of decreasing the progression of early cases to ventilator use, it is difficult to understand the reluctance of the authorities in charge of U.S. pandemic management to recommend its use in early COVID-19 cases. The effects of the chloroquines were first outlined 15 years ago by the CDC’s own Special Pathogens Unit.

Anonymous ID: 29f17a April 30, 2020, 7:06 p.m. No.8981406   🗄️.is 🔗kun

has it been said more than once that the CDC showed in 2005 the HCQ was effective in both the treatment and the prevention of SARS Covid ???


Why are there some hospitals in CT abandoning this treatment? Q please help people are dying to further a twisted agenda and the "doctors" responsible must be held to account


January to April 12, 2020


22 August 2005

CDC Special Pathogens Branch

MJ VIncet, E.Bergon, S. Benjannet, BR Erickson, Pierre Rollin, T.G. Ksiazek, NG Seidah,

ST Nichole. Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread. Virology Journal. (2005) 2: 69

Chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS CoV infection of primate cells in tissue culture. These inhibitory effects are observed when cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic preventative and treatment use. The paper describes three mechanisms by which the drug might work and suggest it may have both a prophylactic and therapeutic role in Coronavirus infections.


Within the context of an expanding COVID-19 pandemic, it is reasonable to propose the EARLY use of Hydroxychloroquine in attempt to reduce the number of COVID patient hospitalization days, and hence provide an increased rate of patient turnover and a more efficient use of limited hospital ventilators.

The finding in the gross data study done on 10 April 2020 showing a slightly prolonged Average Length of Hospital Stay (ALOS) in the population group given HCQ/CQ/Azithromycin, requires further investigation. Azithromycin can show the same cardiac conduction effects as Chloroquine in humans, but there has not been a widespread aversion to its being prescribed. Some 4,000 individuals have now been given what are considered to be COVID doses of Hydroxychloroquine, and not one cardiac conduction problem has been noted.


Historical controls are used in many previous studies in medicine. In this respect, the safety of Hydroxychloroquine is well documented. When the safe use of this drug is projected against its apparent effect of decreasing the progression of early cases to ventilator use, it is difficult to understand the reluctance of the authorities in charge of U.S. pandemic management to recommend its use in early COVID-19 cases. The effects of the chloroquines were first outlined 15 years ago by the CDC’s own Special Pathogens Unit.

