Anonymous ID: 42ff26 April 30, 2020, 6:18 p.m. No.8980805   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0826 >>0914 >>1041

>>8980687 (lb)

Plea deals are always bull shit.

They threaten people with moar charges and force them to rack up legal fees, trying to fight off false allegations, if they choose to take anything to trial. While one small slip up by law enforcement or courts will often allow a criminal to walk scott free, in trial cases that is, a similar slip in defense can cost an innocent person their entire life, if found "guilty" in a trial by jury.


Our courts have been comped for quite some time, now. They've been trying to "justify" their positions by falsely accusing many innocent citizens this way. The worst part is, even though the public has to pay for their "services", when one or moar of them fuck up and/or abuse their authority, the burden goes once again, on the tax payer, who also gets charged for every person they throw in jail, etc. Fucking scam after corrupt scam, unending.