Anonymous ID: 6ed516 April 30, 2020, 6:42 p.m. No.8981067   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Adama: Indeed they are. At this point in history (April 2020) what you have is one of your major world governments indeed showing promise, however this government is split into two factions. With your deep state functioning before, your government was at least working as a solitary unit, albeit with many politicians feeling ignored or threatened I dare say, for doing their jobs as they felt best. Your government under the cabal has been a mafia-like system where intimidation of others to keep them in line was constantly practised.


Me: I always wonder what the real story is behind Gabrielle Gifford and why she was shot in the head at some kind of a public speech she was holding. I’ve never forgotten this and it’s always intrigued me. I’m sure at some point I’ll find out. Anyway….


Adama: Yes, in fact this is what I’m speaking about. Now what you have is a double-sided American government where one side cannot touch the president. He is well protected and his whereabouts kept quiet when he’s not in office, for many reasons. But he is under extraterrestrial guard as well.

Anonymous ID: 6ed516 April 30, 2020, 6:44 p.m. No.8981094   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Me: That’s good.


Adama: As for your question, what I see is that when the government is split in two, so shall the people be.


Me: Well, that was always the case before, too, with the opposition party opposing the party in power.


Adama: But now both parties are trying to assume power, whether legally or not. The rules have changed if you haven’t noticed.


Me: True. So you said that peace was necessary otherwise evolution wouldn’t happen. We’re far but peaceful right now but we’re changing almost daily. People have the issue of globalism right in their faces with this pandemic and because the entire world has been asked to stay home, it’s an issue that’s affecting us as a whole world. But there’s no peace. People certainly aren’t peaceful. Some are really getting angry with this as they’re stuck at home.


Adama: They are. You’re in a state of change right now and the people are working out their inner issues with respect to some very basic subjects, such as being controlled and dominated. In order for peace to ensue, these issues must be made public and this is happening now. There will be more, don’t worry. This unrest isn’t over yet. You’re still in the process of having the truth revealed to you and that will be unsettling. War may break out or it might not. It depends on how it’s dealt with.


Yes, I hear you. There is war being declared on the people in the way of these viruses, the violation of your rights and restriction of your travel. However this has always been there. You realize that unless you have the necessary paperwork, you can’t even cross the border you live a mile away from.


Me: True.


Adama: So these issues are coming out in the general public, and being realized and dealt with. People are getting in touch with the feelings that have been suppressed within themselves for so long due to mind control. They’re being galvanized and forming into a group consciousness or resisters. This may lead to rioting or even civil war, or it might not.


There are those already aware who are at peace with this process because they’ve been through this personal process already and are beyond it. It’s their job to help calm those who are still in it. That’s one reason the lightworker has come to earth – to be of help in this way.


Me: True. I still don’t see this as being peaceful. But I still believe it’s leading somewhere.


Adama: At the moment, it’s peaceful enough. There are fewer wars on outer earth now than there have been in a long time. People need to deal with their feelings around the current restrictions and since they’re at home they’re not able to fight with each other.


Me: That’s true.


Adama: I see it all coming to good eventually. We look forward to your showing some real progress in the next ten years or so.


Me: So do I.


Adama: GESARA will be put into action, and all governments aligned. Any deep state agencies such as the United Nations will either be repurposed or disbanded. With the implementation of the St Germaine funds, people will get over their scarcity problems. We feel the higher vibrations already coming from the surface. It has changed and it has gotten more loving.


Me: That’s good. You never really can tell sitting on your couch.


Adama: There are many people helping their neighbours, strangers, the homeless and the sick. You see that. Either it’s their job to do so, or they’re doing it of free will. You’ll see more and more of this. Yes, people are angry as well, but anger can be a call to action.


Your governments are aware they’re sitting on a hot situation right now and they’re dealing with it as best they can. Unfortunately, certain parties are still allowed to make public decrees that are intended to constrain or even make sick or kill others on the surface, and these people you need to be aware of. Understand that your governments are working towards GESARA compliance and that they’re aware of what’s being said. They have staff reading the papers and watching the News, as well as plants in the opposition parties who report back to the councils, so appropriate action is taken as needed.