Anonymous ID: 9e29ef April 30, 2020, 6:13 p.m. No.8980754   🗄️.is đź”—kun

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Obama is Ultimately Responsible for FBI’s Dirty Investigation into Flynn


Apr 30, 2020


Buck Sexton, the host of “TheBuck Sexton Radio Show” blasted the FBI over new details in its case against Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn and said the responsibility ultimately lies with President Obama.


“It’s a fact that it was Obama’s team, on Obama’s watch, taking this information against the presidential transition. What a bunch of petty, spiteful insidious garbage this was,” Sexton said.


It was revealed Wednesday that the FBI and federal prosecutors concealed evidence in the case and documents were unsealed that showed top officials in the FBI discussing the Flynn case back in January 2017. One of the handwritten notes questioned the ultimate goal and whether it was “to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired.”


Flynn had pleaded guilty in 2017 to lying to the FBI about interactions with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. It has been rumored that President Trump was considering a pardon for Flynn to begin with, and his reaction to the handwritten notes indicated that he is a step closer.


Trump said “they came at him with 15 buses and he’s standing in the middle of the highway. What they did to this man…They tormented him. They destroyed him. But he’s going to come back,” the Associated Press reported.


The developments will likely bolster the claim from Trump and fellow Republicans that the corruption in James Comey’s FBI reached to the highest level.


Kellyanne Conway, the counselor to the White House, told Fox News on Thursday that the three-star general’s treatment throughout the process was a “disgrace.”


Sexton, who has long maintained that Flynn was being unfairly treated, said it was all part of a larger effort by Democrats and the media to try and damage Trump at all costs.


“Those who have been skeptical of the case against Gen. Flynn from Day 1 and have been calling it an evil, politically-motivated injustice were right,” Sexton said. “Meanwhile, the multi-billion-dollar media apparatus that defamed and tried to ruin Flynn out of partisan spite were wrong. Never forget that.”


Sexton called out the mainstream media for lying and misrepresenting the facts in the case. He said the analysts who appeared on these primetime shows and wrote op-eds essentially calling for Flynn’s head were completely wrong.


“At this point, they should be offering up apologies and that will not happen,” he said. Sexton said it is important to note that the corruption and dirty investigation into Flynn happened on President Obama’s watch and malfeasance in the FBI is ultimately Obama’s responsibility.

Anonymous ID: 9e29ef April 30, 2020, 6:16 p.m. No.8980789   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0855


Anon. It 's not really helpful to flame anybody.

It's better to assert truths that people need to hear, rather than bashing people.

Put your focus on the truths and get them out there.

Take your focus off of "he said she said" crap. That's non-productive.