Anonymous ID: eeaa83 April 30, 2020, 6:19 p.m. No.8980819   🗄️.is 🔗kun

For new eyes/night shift: Lori K's "Medical Examiner":

A former medical examiner stashed human brains, hearts and lungs from more than 100 people in soda cups and food containers inside a storage unit, authorities have said. The remains, which included tissue samples and 10 brains, were found in a unit in Pensacola, Florida that had previously been rented by Dr. Michael Berkland.
Medical Examiner Dr. Andi Minyard told the Pensacola News Journal the remains appear to be from private autopsies Berkland performed at local funeral homes between 1997 and 2007. Berkland worked at the medical examiner's office from 1997 until 2003, when he was fired for failing to complete autopsy reports. He also conducted private autopsies in the area.Florida was not the only place Berkland ran into trouble over his work. In 1996, he was fired as a contract medical examiner in Jackson County, Missouri, in a dispute over his autopsy reports.


As pointed out in media reports, Berkland has an interesting background. The Naples Daily News reported that he had his medical license in Missouri revoked in 1998 due to reporting false information in an autopsy report. He didn’t deny charges that he provided inaccurate information in regard to brain tissue samples in a 1996 autopsy. He was suspended from his position of medical examiner in Florida in July 1999.

Anonymous ID: eeaa83 April 30, 2020, 6:34 p.m. No.8980982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1023


Doubt all the facts were presented, so here's old news from OANN –


Calif. Gov. Newsom Signs Billion Dollar Deal To Buy Faulty Chinese Masks

Pearson Sharp’s Report (Vid embed)

Back on April 18:

9:45 AM PT — Saturday, April 18, 2020

California Governor Gavin Newsom recently signed a billion-dollar contract to import respirators from a Chinese company widely known for making faulty products.

BYD, which primarily manufactures electric vehicles, has no history whatsoever of making respirators or masks. According to health and safety experts, the company is notorious for supplying broken or faulty equipment to the United States, has deep ties to the Communist Party, and is suspected of using forced labor.

On February 7th, the company registered with the Chinese government to begin producing its own version of the N95 masks. The FDA previously denied them approval over quality concerns.

However, none of that stopped California’s governor from eagerly signing the contract to send 200 million of the questionable masks to hospitals across the state every month.

Industry watchdogs have called out BYD for years and warned that customers should be wary, including Rep. John Garamendi (D-Calif.). The lawmaker signed legislation banning the use of federal funds to buy buses from BYD. President Trump agreed and signed the ban into law in December.

Garamendi warned with this new contract, BYD could flood the market with “substandard devices,” which could very well end up costing lives.


The governor’s office hasn’t commented on whether or not they’re aware of BYD’s troubled track record, which included the sale of hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of faulty battery-powered buses to the city of Los Angeles.

The same Chinese masks Newsom purchased have already been rejected by countries in Europe, including the Netherlands. The country has recalled some 600,000 of the masks for being substandard or completely defective.