Anonymous ID: 749534 April 30, 2020, 9:07 p.m. No.8983627   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Evening anons. My wife_anons employer is trying to force her to be tested for ChinaVirusAFTERshe has already been working non-stop since before the China Virus. She is considered an essential worker.


About 5-10 days ago an anon put together a post that contained about a dozen links to faulty, contaminated and suspect Covid tests including tests from China, tests attributed to Bill Gates and early tests from our own CDC. I was sure it was in theNOTABLESbut I've spent 2 hours searching for it and cannot locate. If anyone has that bun I'd appreciate it if you could post it again.


I've told wife-anon to refuse any contact type test even if they have to fire her. The only type of test that would be acceptable a 100% non-contact test like spit in a cup or something.