Mostly seem like viable starts to me anon.
Also… that Q post really stands out. Q dropped a ton of posts, but that is the only one with a ton of old-skool questions. Maybe this is a crucial post pointing to some bigger picture?
Anyway, I'll toss in a few thoughts.
Batter: why did Q capitalize this? Is it a bread/kitchen/baker reference? Or is it baseball reference? Both/neither/other?
As for the white lab coats leading the way… this is an interdasting angle that is coming together for me today. Before Q, I was aware of the phenomenon of deep human questions being "transferred" into "medical issues". But even during the whole coronachan time it never fully hit me that this might be a central play of the whole cabal game. I got that they'd been exploiting supposed "medical expertise" but I don't think it ever really struck me as CENTRAL. But maybe it is.
And then as to who gains financially…. on the overt level, it definitely seems to be Amazon. They were already tied in to the whole removal of worldwide manufacturing to China ploy… but now if normal shops at every level are getting shut or impeded…. where do people go to buy?
On a deeper level, I think China is being set up… "plays the bad guy" as you say. There are MANY bad players in China for sure. I think they are themselves getting "played" by international banksters and their like. I hope the "woke" Chinese who can see beyond the internet "Chinese wall" can gain traction and see what a scam this is.