Anonymous ID: 3bd7e2 May 1, 2020, 1:49 a.m. No.8985278   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8975078 PB


it's not an either or, anon. too much of anything is no good. solar UV, at modest altitudes, is 'relatively' safe. what does 'relatively' mean? UV is ionizing radiation. the only 100% safe dose of ionizing radiation is zero. on the other hand, it does have beneficial effects. so the need to balance. like everything else. if you don't get enough salt (sodium) you can die. people who work in environments where they sweat profusely need to take salt tablets. but too much salt can kill. aspirin cures a headache, but too much aspirin kills. it's not rocket science… just use a little common sense!


most sunscreens are carcinogenic, especially when exposed to direct sunlight. avoid them. on the other hand, your eyes are far more sensitive to light than your skin. you don't see with your nose. the cornea, lens, retina, are all easily damaged by even moderate doses of UV, so UV blocking sunglasses are a GOOD idea. the lens of the sunglasses is NOT in direct contact with your skin or your eye, so sunglasses won't cause cancer.


try rubbing a few brain cells together, once in a while, instead of believing answers only come from outside yourself, and asking others to 'give' them to you. the trick to knowing the answer is in asking the RIGHT questions. all questions contain their own answer. that is the essence of critical thinking… asking yourself the right questions. TRY IT SOMETIME!

Anonymous ID: 3bd7e2 May 1, 2020, 2:16 a.m. No.8985397   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8975348 PB


then riddle me this… wouldn't people be awakened if the FCC shut down ALL mockingbird media, mass arrests were made, and military tribunals were put on ALL channels and frequencies, and the truth was shoved in the faces of the normies until they choked on it? wouldn't that be even more effective at awakening the sleepers, and at the same time, spare the lives and livelihoods of the innocents who daily suffer at the hands of the sociopaths who still run loose?