> Vigeland Park
Didn't see that anon
Was just putting some sauce to pics posted.
Looks like a mason ting?
>Need better pic
Bless ya Swordy
>is this one of those gotcha's where AFLB then posts, 'ha ha, you anon are so easy to fool'
AFLB and crew too busy Larping as Patchnigger for now.
AFLB= Anon who used to board volunteer here. Went a liddle crazy with the power and banned shitloads of anons. Was a baker for a while too. Apparently transitioning from male to female.
Patchnigger= Anon who been here for past 7(?) days. Post patches from military psyop groups and tries to write cryptic posts.
Signs them with 'Wizards and Warlocks see all'
Offers nothing new really.
This anon thinks patchnigger it's one of these:
/pol/ tourists
Endchan niggers
Couldron boy
That's just this anon though.
It's all so tedious.
Modified his posted patch, don't have original.
>notable an captcha patches, done by another memefag
>Oh, wow, I thought they never let it bake,
I'm sure it baked for a bit. Fucked up a few bread before Kitchen was taken back iirc
>come now, a month? a few more weeks at best?
I have literally no idea what you are talking about.
So, a month, why the fuck not?
Trips czechk'd
>once it becomes obvious are you gonna switch up your game or just keep playing the same old same?
If it becomes obvious
I haven't read any thread anon
My op was to someone who said they had been a dick an i replied with 'forgiven, welcome back'
You then started with the 'how long will it last'
Go back through thread.
I have no idea what you are talking about anon