web text designers need to be mindful of the colorblind.
web text designers need to be mindful of the colorblind.
I quess it's historical to show the captcha memes again . . . it was about a year ago wasn't it that we got thrust into captcha hell because of the rascally fame-phasion-phag, the bright and cheery simulated shill . . .
for example this image is from a year ago today!
happy aniversary fame-baker-jerk shill bait fame-phag!
so the captcha was required for each post then. And the anon had a lively time arguing about it. It twarted the shills. Hooray it twarted the shills. That lasted like a bread and a half and then they were ever more angry. But the pornado was over. (there were a few breads where we had to constantly hit ctl-f6 to refresh, and all the shill posts would get deleted.
and the person who had live streamed the bread did his gape jawed 'why you no love me' bit. This was before he became roboshill the remoteviiewed (it seemed) by anti_Trump asshoes and the dope would go on about stuff that he was making up in his head, and verifying with fake numerology.
like numerology is very useful and meaningful in architecture, or other types of design, but the way he does it is just stupid fetish number mumbling.
Fame fag get back in the car!
but here's the deal he was in danger of being treated harshly.
but then Kappy leap (of faith?) leaped into the highway and his . . . fate.
Fame fag was like 'oh so what, he was a hollywood blah' (not a direct quote but the general jist of it).
so, ya, May of 2019.
whatelse? Was there not a day when Donald Trump was exonerated by the release of a report about a year ago? We we all said 'can arrests be long now . . . '
today is near the captcha versary.
so cheer it up.
thanks for the apology.
the next step is not doing whatever it was that made you feel so contrite to post this.
is this one of those gotcha's where AFLB then posts, 'ha ha, you anon are so easy to fool'
I'm not sure who that is but I got giddy about it anyway.
must be that Friday thing.
can you imagine a year since captch hell and all that!
Patchnigger? is that using the BASH tool called 'patch' and a patch file?
ok, but do they mash well!
strikethrough with purple text:
if you use a span element the code for changing the color of the element is to set it either as a named element and defined in CSS or to use an inline style with a particular forground and background color for the font.
simple stuff and easy to do and used a lot years and years ago.
so maybe something like using a hex representaion of the colors.
but then I'm going to want all the other things that CSS can do and there is no end to it.
this is colored from the css and the items are on a 'hub' which rolls along as a hub does. notice how each is stylized with individual colors and background.
this image is dated may 15 from last year.
don't remember the exact day he made his exit.