Anonymous ID: 270ed8 May 1, 2020, 7:15 a.m. No.8986959   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Reposting to get this to Q:


If the Chinese government refuses to tell the truth about the Wuhan lab, Trump should perform a reverse split on US treasuries and cancel all US government debt payments on bonds held by Chinese nationals, Chinese entities, and anyone with ties to the Chinese Communist Party. This will devastate the cashflow of the Chinese banking industry, the People's Bank of China, destroy the value of the Yuan and collapse the Chinese economy. All contracts currently held to be surrendered to American authorities or will be rendered void. Either they confess or reap the whirlwind.


I'm sure the thousands of dead Americans would agree. Down with the CCP.



You need to hit the Chinese from both ends. The Chinese don't just sell, they also buy. Chinese companies take American jobs, and then the Chinese government sells the Yuan profit to buy US Dollars and US Treasuries. They will use this tactic to devalue the Yuan to cancel out the tariffs and keep the scam going. They take advantage of America's open markets to suck up dollars they have no business having, just like they did with the hospital equipment. China needs US debt payments to continue running, without it their economy has no fuel. It's their greatest hidden flaw.