The Keystone
The Key, then, to the mysteries of Freemasonry, as well as
to the mysteries of the Christian and the Jewish religions, is
the Eleusinian mysteries of the Pagan religion ; and the further
Key to all those mysteries, is a worship of the Sun as God,
under a variety of personifications, in all its Zodiacal transits,
in the personification of the year, of the seasons, of the months,
of time generally, and of all the divisions of time, and as the
source of all physical and all moral phenomena. The Masonic
building of Solomon’s temple is the getting a knowledge of the
celestial globe, knowing the mysteries of all the figures and
grouping of stars on that globe ; knowing further, that this
globe is the foundation of all religion, knowing how to calculate the precession of the equinoxes, the return of comets and
eclipses, and all the planetary motions and astronomical relations of time.
Wasn't it interesting, that Trump's first official speech after becoming President of the United States, his "first stop," was at CIA Headquarters?
"I will tell you, final time although I will say it, when you let in your thousands of other people that have been trying to come in because I am coming back – we’re going to have to get you a larger room. (Applause.) We may have to get you a larger room. You know? And maybe, maybe, it will be built by somebody that knows how to build, and we won’t have columns. (Laughter.) You understand that? (Applause.) We get rid of the columns."
Without columns the Temple will fall.