Anonymous ID: db67c3 Awakening May 1, 2020, 7:15 a.m. No.8986961   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7020 >>7052 >>7102

After seeing the last round of Q drops, many things became stitched together in my mind.


  1. The plan being perpetrated against the US / the World in concept has been in motion for over 50 years, of which the root is from 1913 (Fed Reserve).

  2. Next chapter, Think - "The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man".

  3. Need to keep Americans blissfully unaware of what is happening and what is about to happen - enter entertainment industry, professional sports, etc.

  4. How to create allegiances across countries and power structures - answer: co-op religion - enter the Muslim Faith.

  5. Stir-up issues in Middle-East, (Iran, Iraq, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc.), create /catalog militant minded actors in Middle-East (al-Qaeda).

  6. Inject Pearl Harbor like event (911) = license to kill and remove personal freedoms / inability to fight back

  7. Need to silently infiltrate the US Govt structure in all key positions to gain control of govt. enter the Iranian actors via the Muslim Brotherhood (Obama, Jared, Brennan, Strzok, Page, etc.)

  8. Weaken the foundations and structure of the US - "2016: Obama's America" by Dinesh D'Souza - He told us their game plan.

  9. China developed as the biggest kid on block, ambitions of world domination but US in the way.

  10. Need to control the narrative / purchase allegiances - co-op MSM, ISP, UN, etc, etc.

  11. Need an invisible enemy and the sheep will hand over their rights / freedoms (Q Post 4003) - Enter COVID 19 (

  12. Coup de grâce - Fear, no cure, rights removed, destroy the economy, track citizens (Orwellian Society / Mark of the Beats - Gates), and implosion.

  13. Enter - One World Government.