Anonymous ID: f4ce8c May 1, 2020, 7:57 a.m. No.8987372   🗄️.is 🔗kun


1.S/he is "wildly" popular

  1. After 8 years in the WH, it had to be cleared of demonic spirits

  2. Being of the party which founded the KKK, s/he knows how to keep the black population oppressed; i.e., Chicago

  3. S/he is empathetic to the LGBTQP


  1. S/he has never shown evidence of being a patriot

  2. None of his/her scandals were investigated or reported by MSM

  3. "Crystal clear reputation" has been manufactured = dubious

  4. S/he might be a woman

  5. HIs/Her reach is bigger than the Demon party (and literally longer than most men's)

  6. People "love" her/him in a superficial, brainwashed kind of way

  7. S/he doesn't appear to take any guff b/c she's a lackey of the Deep State

12.HIs/Her husband is WILDLY popular

  1. "They" have bad connections

  2. Source of income to be wealthy enough to fund own campaign = money laundering

  3. Educated in a liberal/communist college

  4. Excellent orator, as was Hitler

  5. Doesn't wear a jock strap when dancing

  6. Can re-instate collusion with black hats of our "allies"

  7. Can restore rule of "above the law" for his/her patrons

  8. IS racist

  9. Would have no need to be sexist

  10. Would have no need to sexually assault

  11. Made school lunches suck even more than they had previously

  12. Loves his/her cuntry

  13. Doesn't call country's shit holes because too vested of an interest in keeping them shit holes

  14. Tells citizens to drink aspartame

  15. Made bathrooms unsafe and unsanitary for women and children by making them "uni sex"

  16. We have not yet found her secret server because of collusion w/DWS and Awan bros

  17. Speaks communist mantras in complete sentences.

  18. Understands law and policy creation and will use that knowledge to create Communistic laws and policies

  19. No evidence of support for the U.S. Military, especially veterans

  20. Is not sympathetic to white, heterosexual, humans, especially of the middle class.

Anonymous ID: f4ce8c May 1, 2020, 8:16 a.m. No.8987557   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7577 >>7600 >>7613 >>7614


You ladies really need to get a grip on yourselves and stop trying to decorate the board with your colorful sentimentality. These kinds of things are the very reason the rule, "there are no women on the internet" was created. The "tits or GTFO" rule is not so much a testament to the desire to see tits, but rather, an insult to the female poster that since she cannot express herself on brain power alone, she desires "special" attention as a female anon. Hence any anon who outs themselves with feminine qualities is perceived as a pair of tits minus a brain. Since no self respecting man would ever post in purple text, it can be reasonably concluded that purple text posters are attention-seeking women. Thus they must follow the rules: Tits or GTFO. Pic related.

Anonymous ID: f4ce8c May 1, 2020, 8:22 a.m. No.8987624   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Not crying, bitch. If you want to out yourself as a brainless set of purple tits, go right ahead. I'm just trying to save you ladies some humiliation.

And you might try

Lurking Moar