Anonymous ID: 6662b8 May 1, 2020, 8:32 a.m. No.8987751   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8987203 (lb)

I hate to sound like I'm harping on plausible deniability, but there are layers to understanding.


Layer 1 - Dude I get it; the networks are still operating and you can't just go hulk smash.

Layer 2 - Wait, in order to pull this off, you would need to manufacture the outcome to fit the plan. So, I suppose I see the reason for not wanting people to understand it was a military junta/stratocracy that saved the world.

Layer 3 - Well, now, hold on. You have to be able to preserve the idea that you truly are in control, even when shit happens you didn't plan for, so there's a reason to remain anonymous.

Layer 4 - Hold on a sec. Is this operation co-opting the old guard's C4 structure? If so, that's concerning.

Layer 5 - Yeah, I get you have to let people learn the truth instead of just telling them, but have you noticed how people don't get it if the truth is hidden in riddles and puzzles? If you were to drop the veil, the awakening would happen more rapidly.

Layer 6 - Oh, wait. You mean people are going to have to have the very foundations of their deeply rooted belief systems completely abolished in order to wake up, fully? Hmmm…

Layer 7 - Hold on just a minute. Can people live cooperatively in a non-secular or secular humanist movement? Oh…. I see what you did there. Yeah, makes sense.

Layer 8 - Yeah. Yeah. I get it. Slow roll.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 0836cc No.4280202 📁

Dec 12 2018 18:42:51 (EST)

Anonymous ID: aafacb No.4280192 📁

Dec 12 2018 18:42:27 (EST)


How do you know the future?





Allow me to extrapolate:

If you were to suddenly realize that entire totality of everything that's happening, right now, is 100% scripted and coordinated (or at least high probability anticipated and responded to by the plan), what would you do? It's essential to understand this, actually. Q is taking everyone to civics class for a very good reason. All of this could happen again, and it ain't got shit to do with God, or Satan, or whatever you think you know about human existence. If you knew there was no way possible that a candidate for president will ever, again, be elected to office without additional vetting and screening that's not in the constitution, would you protest or approve of it? What if this picture represents something that went flying over people's heads a LONG time ago? What really is your government now? What will it be from here on out in order to ensure longevity of due process of law?

Anonymous ID: 6662b8 May 1, 2020, 8:40 a.m. No.8987852   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8987094 (lb)

What do you think NK was about?

What do you think Syria was about?

Why do you think that other place, over yonder and in the middle of everything, is being saved for last?

Anonymous ID: 6662b8 May 1, 2020, 9:01 a.m. No.8988134   🗄️.is 🔗kun

DANCE MACABRE Sick vid shows dancing nurses carrying ‘corpse’ of coronavirus victim as they copy TikTok pallbearers meme


Question for anons.

How long is it going to take the rest of the world to wake up?

Anonymous ID: 6662b8 May 1, 2020, 9:10 a.m. No.8988234   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8247


I'm going to cover this, again, one more time.


If Flynn knew what they were up to, he was playing a part. This makes it especially damning if the FBI goons didn't know that Gen. Flynn knew what they were up to. Sullivan was either way too fucking stupid to realize this, and toss the case out in its entirety, or Sullivan is a fucking DS asset who realized, about half way, he's in a real fucking pickle.


The FBI goons were "running a sting", but were getting stung without realizing it.